japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner japanese food dinner
japanese food dinner

2022/11/01~12/04【The story of Super troublesome😂Peeling ginkgo nuts】2022年11月01日~12月04日【超絶めんどくさい😂銀杏の皮剥きの話】

Introducing how to prepare and cook ginkgo nuts, a seasonal autumn ingredient.秋の旬食材、銀杏の下処理&調理方法を紹介します。
japanese food dinner

2022/10/01~31【Due to busy schedule and fatigue, October menu record only includes photos】2022年10月01日~31日【多忙と疲労のため10月の献立記録は写真のみ掲載】

Due to busy schedule and fatigue, only photos will be posted in October多忙と疲労のため10月は写真のみ掲載
japanese food dinner

2022/04/09~27lunch※Due to my physical condition, I will only post pictures for a while. 2022年4月19日~27日お昼ごはん※体調不良のためしばらく写真のみ掲載します。

※Due to my physical condition, I will only post pictures for a while. ※体調不良のためしばらく写真のみ掲載します。
japanese food dinner

2022/01/24~27dinner晩御飯【The story of Seven Lucky Gods Tour and two-color rice bowl】【七福神巡りと二色丼の話】

The story of Seven Lucky Gods Tour and two-color rice bowlDid Kumatamo go around the Seven Lucky Gods? ?七福神巡りと二色丼の話。クマタモは七福神巡れたのか!?
japanese food dinner

2022/01/14~18dinner晩御飯【The story of Is this winter crab cheap!? ?】【この冬蟹は安いのか!?の話】

Is it true that Russian crabs, which the US rejected, flow to Japan and become cheaper? ?アメリカが断ったロシア産の蟹が日本に流れて割安になっているニュースは本当か!?
japanese food dinner

2021/12/26lunch昼ご飯~31dinner晩御飯【The story of Toshikoshi soba】【年越しそばの話】

In Japan, on New Year's Eve, there is a custom of eating toshikoshi soba while watching the Kouhaku Uta Gassen.日本では大晦日の晩には紅白歌合戦を見て年越しそばを食べる習慣があります。
japanese food dinner

2021/12/22~25dinner晩御飯【The story of Most Japanese think Christmas is a day to eat feasts.】【ほとんどの日本人はクリスマスはごちそうを食べる日だと思っている話】

The story of Most Japanese think Christmas is a day to eat feasts.ほとんどの日本人はクリスマスはごちそうを食べる日だと思っている話
japanese food dinner

2021/12/16~19dinner晩御飯【The story of Controversy over whether to put pineapple in sweet and sour pork】【酢豚にパイナップルは入れるか論争の話】

The story of Controversy over whether to put pineapple in sweet and sour pork 酢豚にパイナップルは入れるか論争の話
japanese food dinner

2021/12/09~11dinner晩御飯【The story of Wonton Shrimp tsumire Hot Pot】【ワンタン海老つみれ鍋の話】

A ball of meat is a meat dango, and a ball of fish meat is a tsumire? ?肉を丸めたのが肉団子で魚肉を丸めたのがつみれ??Why japanese people?!
japanese food dinner

2021/12/05~08dinner晩御飯【The story of 90% of Japanese know how to make curry】【日本人の9割はカレーの作り方を知っている話】

Japanese people love Japanese curry rice!日本人は日本式のカレーライスが大好き!There is a reason why many Japanese know curry recipes.多くの日本人がカレーのレシピを知っているのには理由があります。