japanese food dinner

2022/11/01~12/04【The story of Super troublesome😂Peeling ginkgo nuts】2022年11月01日~12月04日【超絶めんどくさい😂銀杏の皮剥きの話】

Introducing how to prepare and cook ginkgo nuts, a seasonal autumn ingredient.秋の旬食材、銀杏の下処理&調理方法を紹介します。
japanese culture

Around fall 2022【Because gold is rising! ? Day 2 afternoon of a trip to Nishiizu Onsen and Toi Kinzan gold panning during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年秋頃【金が高騰してるから!?コロナ禍西伊豆温泉と土肥金山砂金採りの旅ニ日目午後】

Day 2 afternoon of a trip to Nishiizu Onsen and Toi Kinzan gold panning during the coronavirus pandemicコロナ禍西伊豆温泉と土肥金山砂金採りの旅ニ日目午後
japanese culture

Around fall 2022【Because gold is rising! ? Day 2 morning of a trip to Nishiizu Onsen and Toi Kinzan gold panning during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年秋頃【金が高騰してるから!?コロナ禍西伊豆温泉と土肥金山砂金採りの旅ニ日目午前】

Day 2 morning of a trip to Nishiizu Onsen and Toi Kinzan gold panning during the coronavirus pandemicコロナ禍西伊豆温泉と土肥金山砂金採りの旅ニ日目午前
japanese culture

Around fall 2022【Because gold is rising! ? Day 1 of a trip to Nishiizu Onsen and Toi Kinzan gold panning during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年秋頃【金が高騰してるから!?コロナ禍西伊豆温泉と土肥金山砂金採りの旅一日目】

Day 1 of trip to Nishiizu Onsen and Toi Kinzan gold panning during the coronavirus pandemicコロナ禍西伊豆温泉と土肥金山砂金採りの旅一日目
japanese sweets&dessert

2022/10/31~11/01【The story of The majority of Japanese people do not go to Shibuya on Halloween🤗 and Halloween japanese sweets🎃】2022年10月31日~11月1日【大多数の日本人はハロウィンの日に渋谷に行かない🤗のとハロウィン和菓子🎃の話】

The majority of Japanese people do not go to Shibuya on Halloween🤗 and Halloween japanese sweets大多数の日本人はハロウィンの日に渋谷に行かない🤗のとハロウィン和菓子🎃
japanese food dinner

2022/10/01~31【Due to busy schedule and fatigue, October menu record only includes photos】2022年10月01日~31日【多忙と疲労のため10月の献立記録は写真のみ掲載】

Due to busy schedule and fatigue, only photos will be posted in October多忙と疲労のため10月は写真のみ掲載
japanese culture

One day in September 2022:【 Day 3, Part 2 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅3日目その2】

One day in September 2022:【 Day 3, Part 2 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅3日目その2】
japanese culture

One day in September 2022:【 Day 3, Part 1 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅3日目その1】

One day in September 2022:【 Day 3, Part 1 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅3日目その1】
japanese culture

One day in September 2022:【 Day 2 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅2日目】

September 2022:【 Day 2 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅2日目】
japanese culture

One day in September 2022:【 Day 1 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅1日目】

September 2022: Day 1 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic2022年9月某日コロナ禍熱海旅1日目
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