japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/12/01~04dinner晩御飯【The story of Hanpen】【はんぺんの話】

Is hanpen a Japanese marshmallow? !はんぺんは日本のマシュマロ?!what kind of food is that?どんな食べ物なんだろう?
japanese food dinner

2021/11/18~20dinner晩御飯【The story of oyster pot】【牡蠣鍋の話】

Oyster hot pot is a local dish of Hiroshima.広島の郷土料理に牡蠣の土手鍋があります。Oysters are delicious whether they are baked or boiled.牡蠣は焼いても煮ても美味しいですね。
japanese food dinner

2021/11/01dinner晩御飯~11/04lunch昼ご飯【The story of Sudachi pot】【すだち鍋の話】

Sudachi is a fruit similar to a lime.すだちはライムに似た果実。Is it a hot pot dish? what does it taste like ?それを鍋料理に?どんな味になるの??
japanese food dinner

2021/10/28~31dinner晩御飯【The story of hairy crab】【毛ガニの話】

Excellent! Get a hairy crab from Hokkaido! 絶品!北海道産毛ガニをゲット!how do you eatどうやって食べるんだろう?What is hair for?毛はなんのためにあるの?
japanese food dinner

2021/10/23~24dinner晩御飯【The story of Saury of Meguro】【目黒のさんまの話】

"Meguro pacific saury Festival" is famous in Meguro where there is no sea! ?海のない目黒で"目黒のさんま祭り"が有名!?What the hell! ?一体どういうこと?
japanese food dinner

2021/10/20晩御飯dinner~22デザートdessert【今日鍋にしようぜ!の話】【The story of Let’s have a hot pot today! 】

今日鍋にしようぜ!Let's have a hot pot today!どういうこと!?What do you mean! ?鍋そのものを食べるつもり??Are you going to eat the pot itself? ?
japanese food dinner

2021/10/11~13晩御飯dinner【きびなごの話】【The story of Kibinago】

きびなごってなんだろう?What is Kibinago?刺身は鹿児島県でないと食べられない?!Can you eat sashimi only in Kagoshima Prefecture? ! お魚かな?Is it a fish?
japanese food dinner

2021/10/07~10晩御飯dinner【つまの話】【The story of tsuma】

つまってなんのこと?What the heck is going on?特に必要のないものの例え!?An example of what you don't really need! ?なんそれ?酷い!What's ?How awful!
japanese food dinner

2021/10/03~06晩御飯dinner【豚汁の話】【The story of pork soup】

豚汁は日本でカレーライスと同じくらいの人気食。Pork miso soup is as popular as curry rice in Japan.どんなメニューかな?What kind of menu is it? 見てみよう!let's see!
japanese food dinner

2021/09/28~29晩御飯dinner【豆腐ハンバーグの話】【The story of tofu hamburger】

豆腐ハンバーグってなんだろう?What is a tofu hamburger?どうやって作るのかな?how do i make itどんな味?how does it taste?