japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/09/24~27晩御飯dinner【すき焼きの話】【The story of sukiyaki】

すき焼きの具材や調理法、食べ方を紹介Introducing sukiyaki ingredients, cooking methods, and how to eat
japanese food dinner

2021/09/16~09/18 晩御飯dinner【秋茄子は嫁に食わすなの話】【The story of Don’t let daughter-in-law eat autumn eggplants】

秋茄子は嫁に食わすな!?Don't let daughter-in-law eat autumn eggplants!?はあー!?Oh ! ! ? ?実は2つの意味があります。In fact, there are two meanings.
japanese food dinner

2021/09/10昼ご飯lunch~09/12晩御飯dinner【弱った鮎は助けられたのか生け捕られたのかの話】【The story of Were the weakened ayu rescued or captured?】

弱った鮎は助けられたのか生け捕られたのか?Were the weakened ayu rescued or captured?クマタモの田舎の思い出Memories of Kumatamo's Countryside
japanese food dinner

2021/09/05昼ご飯lunch~09/06晩御飯dinner【おでんに白米は合うのか論争の話】【The story of controversy over whether white rice goes well with oden】

度々白米のおかずにおでんは合うのか論争がなされますが、おでんとは?There is often controversy over whether oden goes well with white rice as a side dish.What is Oden?
japanese food dinner

2021/08/28~29晩御飯dinner【栗ご飯は秋の気配の話】【The story of chestnut rice is a sign of autumn】

栗ご飯は秋の気配!?Chestnut rice is a sign of autumn! ?
japanese food dinner

2021/08/25~26晩御飯dinner【たこ飯とタコライスは違う話】【The story of tako-meshi and taco rice are different】

たこ飯はタコライスとは別物?!Is taco-meshi different from taco rice? !じゃあ、たこ飯は一体なんなの??So, what exactly is taco-meshi? ?
japanese food dinner

2021/08/24晩御飯dinner【日本人の海老好きは異常な話】【The story of Japanese love for shrimp is abnormal】

日本人の海老好きは異常な話Tea story of Japanese love for shrimp is abnormal日本人は海老が大好き過ぎる!?Japanese people love shrimp too much! ?
japanese break time&snack time

2021/08/16晩御飯dinner~08/23晩御飯dinner【小話は夏休み中その2】【The story is during summer vacation 2】

観光では出会えない日本の家庭料理ブログでホームステイ体験!This is a Japanese home cooking blog that you can't find in sightseeing.Enjoy the homestay!
japanese food dinner

2021/08/09晩御飯dinner~08/15昼ご飯lunch【小話は夏休み中その1】【The story is during summer vacation 1】

観光では出会えない日本の家庭料理ブログでホームステイ体験!This is a Japanese home cooking blog that you can't find in sightseeing.Enjoy the homestay!
japanese food dinner

2021/08/06晩御飯dinner 【手作りもち米シュウマイと米の話】【The story of handmade sticky rice dumplings and rice】

もち米っていつも食べてるお米とは違うのかな?Is sticky rice different from the rice you usually eat?もち米シュウマイって?What is glutinous rice shumai?