
japanese sweets&dessert

2021/08/29デザートdessert~08/31晩御飯dinner【わらび餅とわたどうの話】【The story of Warabimochi&We’re Crazy】

わらび餅ってなんだろう?What is warabi mochi?わらび餅で私たちはどうかしている!?Warabi mochi are we crazy?!一体どういうこと?What the hell is that?
japanese food dinner

2021/08/28~29晩御飯dinner【栗ご飯は秋の気配の話】【The story of chestnut rice is a sign of autumn】

栗ご飯は秋の気配!?Chestnut rice is a sign of autumn! ?
japanese food lunch

2021/08/27昼ご飯lunch&晩御飯【フライドポテトで厚切りジェイソン!?の話】【The story of Atsugiri Jason and French fries! ?】

フライドポテト?Fried poteto?英語圏で通じない英語!?English that is not understood in English-speaking countries! ?Why American people?!
japanese culture

2021/08/27【パラビクトリーブーケと車椅子バスケの話】【The story of Paralympic Victory Bouquet and Wheelchair Basketball】

パラビクトリーブーケって?What is the Paralympic Victory Bouquet?車椅子バスケで一富士二鷹三茄子!?Wheelchair basketball, 1 Fuji, 2 Taka, 3 eggplants! ?
japanese food dinner

2021/08/25~26晩御飯dinner【たこ飯とタコライスは違う話】【The story of tako-meshi and taco rice are different】

たこ飯はタコライスとは別物?!Is taco-meshi different from taco rice? !じゃあ、たこ飯は一体なんなの??So, what exactly is taco-meshi? ?
japanese culture

2021/08/24【昨年の今日は東京パラリンピック開会式の日とスリーアギトスの話】【The story of Last year today was the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games and three agitos】

感動的な東京パラリンピックの開会式!The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games is impressive!五輪式の口直し!For revising the Olympic ceremony!
japanese food dinner

2021/08/24晩御飯dinner【日本人の海老好きは異常な話】【The story of Japanese love for shrimp is abnormal】

日本人の海老好きは異常な話Tea story of Japanese love for shrimp is abnormal日本人は海老が大好き過ぎる!?Japanese people love shrimp too much! ?
japanese culture

2021/08/21【残暑見舞い+日本人の夏休み】【Late-summer greeting+Japanese summer vacation】

日本の夏の挨拶はどんなもの?What are Japanese summer greetings?日本人の夏休みはどんな感じ?What is Japanese summer vacation like?
japanese break time&snack time

2021/08/16晩御飯dinner~08/23晩御飯dinner【小話は夏休み中その2】【The story is during summer vacation 2】

観光では出会えない日本の家庭料理ブログでホームステイ体験!This is a Japanese home cooking blog that you can't find in sightseeing.Enjoy the homestay!
japanese food dinner

2021/08/09晩御飯dinner~08/15昼ご飯lunch【小話は夏休み中その1】【The story is during summer vacation 1】

観光では出会えない日本の家庭料理ブログでホームステイ体験!This is a Japanese home cooking blog that you can't find in sightseeing.Enjoy the homestay!