japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/06/20晩御飯dinner【考えるのが面倒な日のカレーライスの話】【The story of Curry rice on a day when it is troublesome to think about menu】

色んなおかずを考えるのが面倒な時に作ろう!Let's make it when it's troublesome to think of various side dishes!その名はカレーライス!Its name is curry rice!
japanese food dinner

2021/06/18晩御飯dinner【蟹より蟹の食感、それはカニカマの話】【The story texture more than crab, that is, the kanikama(crab stick)】

カニよりカニの食感の偽物!?Crab texture fake than crab! ?カニカマは日本の食べ物って知ってる?Do you know that Kanikama is a Japanese food?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/17晩御飯dinner【魚魚魚~魚を食べると頭頭頭~頭が良く~なる~♪話】【The story of Fish Fish Fish-Eat fish-Be smart- ♪】

魚魚魚~魚を食べると頭頭頭~頭が良く~なる~♪話 The story of Fish Fish Fish-Eat fish-Be smart- ♪なんそれ?!what is that? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/16晩御飯dinner【スペアリブとカマ焼きでお腹いっぱいの話】【The story full of spare ribs and grilled kama】

スペアリブとカマ焼きでお腹いっぱいの話 The story full of spare ribs and grilled kama.ブリのカマとは…Yellowtail's "kama" is…
japanese food dinner

2021/06/15晩御飯dinner【日本人は魚介料理も好きな話 】【Japanese people also like seafood dishes】

日本人は魚介料理も好きJapanese people also like seafood dishesイタリアンと日本食の共通点?!What do Italian and Japanese food have in common? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/14晩御飯dinner【食後にほうじ茶プリンの話】【The story of roasted tea pudding after a meal】

プリンがほうじ茶味ってどういうこと?!What does the pudding taste like hojicha? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/13晩御飯dinner【湯葉ってなんだろう?の話】【The story of What is Yuba?】

湯葉が豆腐の皮!?美味しいの?Yuba is tofu skin! ? Is it delicious?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/11晩御飯dinner【とろろは口が痒くなる話】【The story of tororo makes the mouth itchy】

ご飯(写真に写ってません)納豆とろろチキントマト煮サニーレタス山芋の肉巻き山芋と大根と椎茸の蒸焼き麦茶 Rice (not shown in the photo)NattoTororoBoiled chicken tomatosunny l...
japanese food dinner

2021/06/10晩御飯dinner【手作りハンバーグは優しい食感なのとハンバーグは英語ではなかったという衝撃の話】【The shocking story that the handmade hamburger has a gentle texture and the hamberg was not in English】

手作りハンバーグは優しい食感なのとハンバーグは英語ではなかった!?The handmade hamburger has a gentle texture and the hamberg was not in English!?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/09晩御飯dinner【好きなおかずばかりだった日の話】【The story of the day when I had only my favorite side dishes】

ご飯アサリの味噌汁タンドリーチキン明太子赤身魚のホイル焼きガーリックバター風味キュウリトマト麦茶 RiceAsari miso soupTandoori chickenMentaikoFoil grilled red fish with g...