japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/06/08晩御飯dinner【ご飯がすすむおかずの話】【The story of side dishes that feed a lot of rice】

補足の投稿があります!2022/07/31.I have a supplementary post!ご飯がすすむおかずが色々!Various side dishes that go well with rice!
japanese food dinner

2021/06/07晩御飯dinner【伊勢海老お取り寄せの話】【The story of ordering spiny lobster】

この日は伊勢海老をお取り寄せしました!We ordered spiny lobster on this day! 捌いてオーブンで焼いたあとです。After separating and baking in the oven. マリネを付け...
japanese food dinner

2021/06/06晩御飯dinner【肉か魚を食べたいから私には精進料理やビーガン料理だけでは物足りない話】【The story of I want to eat meat or fish, so vegetarian food and vegan food are not enough for me】

炊き込みご飯シジミの味噌汁胡麻豆腐もずく魚肉ソーセージとキュウリの酢の物卵と菜の花の煮浸しからし和えサバの味噌煮(缶詰め) cooked riceClam miso soupSesame tofuMozukuFish sausage and...
japanese food dinner

2021/06/05晩御飯dinner【おばあちゃんおじいちゃんが『お寿司あるよ』と言って用意してくれる寿司が想像してた寿司と違う話】【The story of the sushi that Grandpa Grandma prepared by saying “I have sushi” is different from the sushi I expected】

『お寿司あるよ』と言って用意してくれる寿司が想像してた寿司と違うthe sushi that they say "We have sushi" is different from the sushi I expected.
japanese food dinner

2021/06/04晩御飯dinner【魚も肉も両方食べるのと今年の鰹は豊漁なうえに脂がのって旨いらしいという話】【The story of I eat both fish and meat and it is said that this year’s bonito has a large catch and is delicious with fat】

魚も肉も両方食べる!今年の鰹は豊漁なうえに脂がのって旨い!?I eat both fish& meat! &this year's bonito has a large catch and is delicious with fat?!
japanese food dinner

2021/06/03晩御飯dinner【崎陽軒のシウマイが多すぎる話】【The story of too many Shiumai in Kiyoken】

崎陽軒のシウマイが多すぎる話 The story of too many Shiumai in Kiyoken
japanese food dinner

2021/06/02晩御飯dinner【スティックセニョール逆輸入とDAIGOもお肉を食べていた話】【The story of broccolini reimport and DAIGO eating meat】

スティックセニョール逆輸入とDAIGOもお肉を食べていた話The story of broccolini reimport and DAIGO eating meat.DAIGOって誰?!Who is DAIGO!?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/01晩御飯dinner【旬の筍とホッケとかぐや姫と犬に吠えられた話】【The story of seasonal bamboo shoots, Atka mackerel, Kaguyahime, and a dog barking at me】

旬の筍とホッケとかぐや姫と犬に吠えられた話The story of seasonal bamboo shoots, Atka mackerel, Kaguyahime, and a dog barking at me.
japanese food dinner

2021/05/30晩御飯dinner【おめでたい時は鯛の話】【The story of eating sea bream on a celebration day】

金目鯛の丸焼き Roasted sea bream かに飯エビシュウマイと蒸し野菜エビシュウマイに付けるためのポン酢と辛子ポテトサラダとタコさんウインナーサラダシジミの味噌汁 1.Crab rice 2.shrimp dumplings a...
japanese food dinner

2021/05/29晩御飯dinner【国産シシャモと外国産シシャモの話】【The story of domestic shishamo and foreign shishamo】

国産シシャモと外国産シシャモの話The story of domestic shishamo and foreign shishamo.え!なんかちがうの!?Oh! Something's wrong! ?