japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/07/03晩御飯dinner【冷凍シーフードミックスが便利な話】【The story of frozen seafood mix is convenient】

日本のスーパーマーケットにも冷麺シーフードがあるって!?Japanese supermarkets have cold noodle seafood! ?早速行ってみよう!Let's go!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/02晩御飯dinner【マスク社会でニンニク料理食べ放題の話】【The story of all-you-can-eat garlic food in the mask society】

マスク社会でニンニク料理が食べ放題!?all-you-can-eat garlic food in the mask society!?一体どういうこと?What the hell is that?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/01晩御飯dinner【日本食は塩分過多だけど暑い日はぜひお召し上がりくださいの話】【The story of Japanese food is too salty, but please enjoy it on hot days】

日本食はヘルシーなのに塩分過多?!Is Japanese food healthy but too salty? ! 本当?really?暑い日に丁度いいの何故Why is it just right for a hot day
japanese food dinner

2021/06/27【晩御飯dinner ビーツと節電と熱中症予防を呼びかける異常事態と東京五輪前の異様な空気感の話】【The story of beets,abnormal situation calling for power saving and heat stroke prevention and A strange atmosphere before the Tokyo Olympics】

ビーツと節電と熱中症予防に昨年の東京五輪前の話?!A story before last year's Tokyo Olympics for beats, power saving and heat stroke prevention? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/26晩御飯dinner【ドラゴンフルーツと酷暑日と猛暑日の話】【The story of dragon fruit,extremely hot days and hot days】

ドラゴンフルーツと酷暑日と猛暑日!?dragon fruit,extremely hot days and hot days!?美味しいのかな?Is it delicious?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/25晩御飯dinner【日本人は量より色んな種類の食材を味わいたい民族と真夏日と猛暑日の違いの話】【The story of Japanese people want to taste various kinds of ingredients rather than quantity and the difference between a midsummer day and a hot day】

日本人の食事は量より多種多様を求める!?Japanese people want more variety than quantity! ?真夏日と猛暑日って?!Midsummer days and hot days?!
japanese food dinner

2021/06/24晩御飯dinner【日本にお越しの際は熱中症にお気をつけ下さいませの話】【The story of please be careful about heat stroke when you come to Japan】

まだ6月なのに熱中症に注意!?Beware of heat stroke even though it's still June! ?昨年は涼しかったのに?!Was it cool last year? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/23晩御飯dinner【ローストビーフにニンニク生姜醤油ダレと食虫植物の花が咲いた話】【The story of roast beef with garlic ginger and soy sauce and carnivorous plant flowers have bloomed】

ローストビーフにニンニク生姜醤油ダレと食虫植物の花が咲いた!?roast beef with garlic ginger and soy sauce and carnivorous plant flowers have bloomed!?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/22晩御飯dinner【食欲が乏しいときのそうめんと故人のお供え用にご飯の話】【The story of somen to eat when you have anorexia and rice to offer to the deceased】

日本人はほとんどの人が無宗教!?Most Japanese are non-religious! ?それなのにお供えはする?But do you offer it?どういうこと?What do you meanそうめんは?somen?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/21晩御飯dinner【花形ゆで玉子の話】【The story of flower-shaped boiled egg】

花形のゆで卵はかわいいのでお弁当に入れることもあります。The flower-shaped boiled egg is so cute that you can put it in your lunch box.それなに?What is it?