japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/05/28晩御飯dinner【円安とポテトサラダと夕焼けの話】【The story of the depreciation of the yen, potato salad and the sunset】

円安とポテトサラダと夕焼けの話The story of the depreciation of the yen, potato salad and the sunset.
japanese food dinner

2021/05/27晩御飯dinner【信太巻きの話】【The story of Shinoda-roll】

信太巻きとは…What is Shinoda-roll?
japanese food dinner

2021/05/26晩御飯dinner【何でもない日おめでとうの話】【Happy story on a day when nothing is happening】

炊き込みご飯卵焼きすりおろし大根豆腐金目鯛トマト焼き玉ねぎコロッケピーマンの炒め物ほうじ茶牛乳寒天シロップ漬けさくらんぼ乗せメロン Cooked rice, grilled eggs, grated, radish tofu, Kinmed...
japanese food dinner

2021/05/24晩御飯dinner【糸引き納豆とひきわり納豆の話】【 The story of thread(itohiki) natto and ground(hikiwari) natto】

ふつうの納豆とひきわり納豆は何かが違う!?There is something different between normal natto and hikiwari natto! ?
japanese food dinner

2021/05/22晩御飯dinner【味噌汁の種類とマグロの歴史の話】【The story of types of miso soup and history of tuna】

味噌汁は1種類だけじゃない?Isn't there only one type of miso soup?日本人はいつからマグロを食べている?Since when do Japanese eat tuna?
japanese food dinner

2021/05/20晩御飯dinner【茶碗蒸しの話】【The story of chawanmushi】

この日のメインは茶碗蒸しです。The main dish of the day is chawanmushi. 茶碗蒸しには各々思い出のエピソードEach episode of Chawanmushi
japanese food dinner

2021/05/19晩御飯dinner【炊き込みご飯の話】【The story of takicomi gohan(cooked rice)】

炊き込みご飯の話 The story of takicomi gohan(cooked rice).この日の炊き込みご飯の具材には、お揚げや筍、椎茸が入っています。The ingredients for the rice cooked…
japanese food dinner

2021/05/18晩御飯dinner【ローストビーフが出来るまでと日本人の肉食文化の話】【The story of until roast beef is made and Japanese carnivorous culture】

ローストビーフが出来るまでと日本人の肉食文化の話 The story of until roast beef is made and Japanese carnivorous culture
japanese food dinner

2021/05/17晩御飯dinner【オムレツの中身はなんだろうの話】【The story of What’s inside the omelet?】

オムレツの中身はなんだろうの話 The story of What's inside the omelet?
japanese food dinner

2021/05/16晩御飯【彩りよいおかずは栄養バランスも良いのと日本食の配膳位置の話】【The story of colorful side dishes have a good nutritional balance and serving position of Japanese food】

彩りよいおかずは栄養バランスも良いのと日本食の配膳位置colorful side dishes have a good nutritional balance and serving position of Japanese food