japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/08/02晩御飯dinner 【生しらすと連立旗の話】【The story of raw shirasu and simultaneous flag】

生しらすは貴重な食材みたいだけど、どういう食べ物?Raw whitebait seems to be a valuable ingredient, but what kind of food is it?&旗の話!&about flags!
japanese food dinner

【補足supplement】2021/06/08晩御飯dinner【日本で唯一生桜えびを食べられる場所の話】【The story of the only place in Japan where you can eat raw sakura shrimp】

日本で唯一生桜えびを食べられる場所って一体どこ?Where is the only place in Japan where you can eat raw sakura shrimp?補足したい!I want to supplement!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/27晩御飯dinner【鰹の”タタキ”ってなんだろう?の話】【The story of What is the “tataki” of bonito?】

鰹の"タタキ"ってなんだろう?の話The story of What is the "tataki" of bonito?一体何をするつもり?!What are you going to do? !
japanese food dinner

2021/07/26晩御飯dinner【サンマが気軽に食べられなくなるなら代用魚を探そうの話】【The story of if the price of saury is too high to eat, look for a substitute fish】

サンマが高級魚?!庶民の味方じゃなくなるってどういうこと?Is saury a luxury fish? ! What does it mean to not be an ally of the common people?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/25晩御飯dinner【北海道産八角魚の話】【The story of Hokkaido star anise】

北海道産八角魚の話The story of Hokkaido star anise気持ち悪いけど美味しい?Disgusting but delicious?それって一体どういうこと??Who the hell is that??
japanese food dinner

2021/07/24晩御飯dinner【ミニトマトの話】【The story of mini tomato】

ミニトマトはいつからあるんだろう?Since when are mini tomatoes?普通のトマトと何が違うのかな?How is it different from regular tomatoes?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/23晩御飯dinner 【北海道産ホッケと大根おろしの話】【The story of Hokkaido atka mackerel and grated radish】

北海道産ホッケのお味はいかが?How about the taste of Hokkaido Atka mackerel?なんでいつも魚に大根おろし?Why do you always put grated radish on fish?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/19晩御飯dinner 【ピーマンの肉詰めの話 】【The story of stuffed peppers】

ピーマンの肉詰めは日本の定番料理?!Is stuffed peppers a staple Japanese dish? !日本料理店では見たことない!I've never seen it at a Japanese restaurant!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/18晩御飯dinner 【なめろうってなんだろう?の話】【The story of what is namero?】

なめろうって何?茄子をなめる?!What is Namero? Lick the eggplant? !絶対違う気がする!I feel absolutely different!では一体何?So what?答えは…answer is...
japanese food dinner

2021/07/17晩御飯dinner【裏側の鰻と土用の丑の日の話 】【The story of eel on the back side and Day of the Ox】

珍し鰻の裏側写真!This is a rare picture of the back side of the eel!There is also a front side!夏に土用鰻の謎Mystery of Ox eels in summer