2021/10/23~24dinner晩御飯【The story of Saury of Meguro】【目黒のさんまの話】

japanese food dinner


Miso soup with pork and vegetables
Cucumber, wakame seaweed and shirasu in vinegar
boiled hanasaki crab

  • ご飯
  • 豚汁
  • キュウリとわかめとしらすの酢の物
  • 茹でた花咲蟹


miso soup
Hikiwari natto
scrambled eggs and spinach
Salt-grilled Pacific saury
Sudachi & grated radish

  • ご飯
  • 味噌汁
  • ひきわり納豆
  • 炒り卵とほうれん草の和え物
  • サラダ
  • サンマの塩焼き
  • すだち&大根おろし

Speaking of Pacific saury, “Meguro pacific saury” is famous. Due to the influence of Corona, it has been canceled one after another since 2020, but this year it seems that an event limited to Meguro residents in Tokyo was held. In 2019, saury from Iwate Prefecture was sent, along with sudachi sudachi that goes well with saury, along with sudachi ambassadors from Tokushima Prefecture, and daikon radish from Tochigi Prefecture. Since there is no sea in Meguro, you can’t catch any sea fish, let alone saury. The origin is from the story of Japanese culture called rakugo.


★空輸【北海道産 氷水 生さんま】根室産 釧路産 厚岸産【特大・浜呼び名】氷水生サンマ 2kg前後 16尾前後(★どさんこファクトリー北海道PB箱★指定日不可)
★☆★ Amazon 食品必須記載事項 ★☆★ 【販売・発送時期】10/1-11/25頃まで ■□■生サンマ(空輸発送、翌日着)は、水揚げ日に発送致しますが、天候や入船状況により毎日発送出来る週もあれば、 シケにより週で1-2日しか発送出来...

One of the rakugo performances is “Meguro pacific saury”. When an old great lord called a daimyo made a detour to Meguro for falconry, he was hungry, but there was no bento box, so the common people just grilled it over a charcoal fire. The lord remarked that this was delicious. At that time, saury was a common food. It rarely enters the mouth of a great person. When the lord returned to his mansion, he requested saury, but the servants chose the fresh saury caught at Nihonbashi Uogashi, and carefully removed the bones. I spent a lot of time and effort cooking the saury. So the lord said, “After all, saury is only available in Meguro!” In fact, there are many ways to cook saury, such as broiling or canning, but in the end, saury is best when grilled or charcoal-grilled with salt!


新橋玉木屋 季節限定 秋刀魚ゲランド塩 6尾入り 老舗 東京 さんま 高級 贈答用 ギフト
直射日光を避け、なるべく涼しい所で保管してください。 開封後は冷蔵庫に保管し、お早めにお召し上がりください。


This is a forest with signs of autumn. In the near future, there may be no autumn and spring due to climate change, so it is better to take pictures of autumn leaves and cherry blossoms.


京都紅葉旅 (SUIKO BOOKS 170)

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japanese food dinner
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

