
japanese food dinner

2021/07/24晩御飯dinner【ミニトマトの話】【The story of mini tomato】

ミニトマトはいつからあるんだろう?Since when are mini tomatoes?普通のトマトと何が違うのかな?How is it different from regular tomatoes?
japanese culture

2021/07/23【昨年の今日は東京五輪開会式の日と長野五輪の話】【The story of Last year today is the day of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics and Nagano Olympics】

東京五輪開会式の日day of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics長野五輪開会式の感動?!Impressed at the Nagano Olympics Opening Ceremony?!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/23晩御飯dinner 【北海道産ホッケと大根おろしの話】【The story of Hokkaido atka mackerel and grated radish】

北海道産ホッケのお味はいかが?How about the taste of Hokkaido Atka mackerel?なんでいつも魚に大根おろし?Why do you always put grated radish on fish?
japanese culture

2021/07/22【昨年の今日は海の日と謎かけの話】【The story of today is marine day and Mystery】

海の日に海の神様を思い出しました!I remembered the god of the sea on Marine Day!神様はどんな感じ?how does god feel? & 謎かけってなんだろう?what is Mystery?
japanese culture

2021/07/22昼ご飯lunch 【ゴーヤチャンプルーと猫の話】【The story of goya champuru and cat】

ゴーヤチャンプルーってなんだろう?What is goya champuru?苦いのに美味しいって本当かな?Is it true that it's bitter but delicious? & 猫は可愛いね!Cats are cute!
japanese culture

2021/07/21晩御飯dinner 【ご近所さんの家庭菜園とどうぶつの森の話】【The story of neighborhood garden and Animal Forest】

家庭菜園をしているご近所さんからの野菜は嬉しい!I would be happy if I could get vegetables from my neighbors who have a kitchen garden!&あつ森anicro
japanese food lunch

2021/07/21昼ご飯lunch【トウモロコシの天ぷらと北海道はうまいの話】【 The story of corn tempura and Hokkaido is yummy】

トウモロコシの天ぷらは美味しかった?Was the corn tempura delicious?北海道は何の生産量が1位?What is Hokkaido the number one producer of?答えは?answer is?
japanese culture

2021/07/20【海の日ってなんだろう?とおよげ!たいやきくんの話】【The story of What is Marine Day? and Oyoge!(Swim!) Taiyaki-kun】

海の日?何をする日?What is Marine Day? what day are you going to do?海開きの日じゃない?泳げたいやきくんとは!?What is Swim!(Oyoge!) Taiyaki-kun? ?
japanese food lunch

2021/07/20昼ご飯lunch 【ケイジャン風チキンライスの話】【The story of Cajun-style chicken rice】

ケイジャン料理はどんなの?What is Cajun food like?どんな味?how does it taste? 日本にいつからある?How long have you been in Japan?見てみよう!let's look!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/19晩御飯dinner 【ピーマンの肉詰めの話 】【The story of stuffed peppers】

ピーマンの肉詰めは日本の定番料理?!Is stuffed peppers a staple Japanese dish? !日本料理店では見たことない!I've never seen it at a Japanese restaurant!