One day in September 2022:【 Day 1 of Atami trip during the coronavirus pandemic】2022年9月某日【コロナ禍熱海旅1日目】

japanese culture

A certain day in September 9月某日

I came to Atami! Atami is a tourist destination in Shizuoka Prefecture. It used to be a deserted hot spring town, but recently the number of stylish shops has increased and it has become so lively that it has been featured on TV♪


It’s still empty in the morning.


I took a shuttle bus around here and headed to a spa called fuua. During the coronavirus pandemic, there is a nationwide travel support discount for vaccinated people, and we had to issue coupons at a convenience store, and the elderly group was very confused and it seemed like it would take a long time, so we decided to go to another place 5 minutes walk away. I issued a ticket at a convenience store! I thought I wouldn’t make it in time for the bus💦

このあたりで送迎バスに乗り、fuuaというスパに向かいます。コロナ禍はワクチン接種者に全国旅行支援割引があり、コンビニでクーポン券を発券をしなければならずおじいちゃんおばあちゃんのグループがめちゃめちゃ戸惑っていて時間がかかりそうだったため、5分歩いた先の別のコンビニで発券しました! バスの時間に間に合わないかと思った💦

I arrived! This is a spa where you can soak in a hot spring with a view of the ocean.


A new-looking torii gate and a small shrine on the spa grounds⛩️


break timeおやつ

Atami pudding (coffee milk flavor)


Satisfy your hunger with Atami pudding. It is dangerous to enter a hot spring on an empty stomach, so please eat at least something before entering.


A cute milk bottle container was recently featured on TV. The interior of the main store located in the city area is also popular for its cute interior♪


It tasted like coffee and milk, but it was light and had a nice texture ♫ Thank you for the meal.

コーヒー牛乳味でしたがあっさりめで口当たりがよろしゅうございました♫ごちそうさまでした。 湯庵プリン おまかせセット* : 食品・飲料・お酒 湯庵プリン おまかせセット* : 食品・飲料・お酒

This is the view from the adjacent hotel. Check-in is at 15:00, but today we will enjoy the spa all day and then head to our room!


Head to the spa via the breezeway. The buildings in the local area are far away, so the number of steps will increase 👣


Apparently Kumatamo didn’t have enough pudding that day, so he came for lunch before taking a bath.



Cream pasta with sea-raised Atami trout and salmon roe from Ajiro fishing port, salad, soup, macaroni gratin, ratatouille, drinks (coffee, tea, detox water)


It’s a creamy salmon pasta. It’s delicious😋It’s a little pricey considering it’s a tourist spot, but it was more filling than I expected and left me full. Nowadays, some reviews say that the portions are a bit small, but on this day I was very satisfied. It’s nice to be able to enjoy the sea view from your seat while eating.


Click here for other menus↑


We are finally inside the building. It’s very spacious with lots of resting space!


One side of the glass, the sea. The view from the bath is the best, but photography is prohibited in the bathroom, so please see the official website ↓


ocean spa Fuua オーシャンスパフーア

オーシャンスパ Fuua(フーア)| 熱海の日帰り温泉施設(公式サイト)
オーシャンスパ Fuua(フーア)は相模灘を一望できる露天立ち湯など、今までにない癒しを体験できる ATAMI BAY RESORT KORAKUEN(熱海ベイリゾート後楽園)内の熱海日帰り温泉施設です。

Reviews say lukewarm hot water lasts forever. The warmth of the water is truly exquisite! It was a hot spring where I felt soothed by the ocean in front of me, and I felt like I could stay in it forever, just as the reviews said ♨️


ぐるぐるマップEast48 いざ、熱海 | 静岡新聞社 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
Amazonで静岡新聞社のぐるぐるマップEast48 いざ、熱海。アマゾンならポイント還元本が多数。静岡新聞社作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。またぐるぐるマップEast48 いざ、熱海もアマゾン配送商品なら通常配送無料。

るるぶ伊豆箱根 ’23/旅行【1000円以上送料無料】
価格:1,078円(税込、送料無料) (2023/9/17時点)

I will post photos of the inside of the building.


There is also a Lory sauna. Recommended for those who want to get sweaty! 💦


The sea at sunset is also nice.


The sea at night. The night view looks good too.


I’m hungry so I’m heading to a restaurant.


I don’t know if they still exist, but I have a mask holder and Viking gloves that are unique to the coronavirus pandemic.



Buffet (steak, potatoes, sushi, sashimi, miso soup, salad, Shizuoka oden, tempura, curry rice, tea soba, cake, coffee, etc.)


I’m happy to be able to eat so many dishes from Shizuoka prefecture 😋 In particular, the tea soba and Shizuoka oden are famous, so be sure to try them ♪ The sashimi and tempura are all super delicious! Food after hot springs is the best🍴

静岡県産のメニューを沢山食べられて幸せですね😋特に茶蕎麦と静岡おでんは名物なので食べておきましょう♪お刺身も天ぷらも全部超うまい!温泉の後のご飯は最高です🍴 静岡掛川茶 手折り銘茶そば (4人前) 茶そば 喜泉庵 手折り『銘茶そば』 4人前 めん90g×4、つゆ31g×4 静岡・川根産抹茶使用 年越しそば お歳暮 御歳暮 お年賀 御年賀 ギフトそば 乾麺 ソバ 年越し : 食品・飲料・お酒 静岡掛川茶 手折り銘茶そば (4人前) 茶そば 喜泉庵 手折り『銘茶そば』 4人前 めん90g×4、つゆ31g×4 静岡・川根産抹茶使用 年越しそば お歳暮 御歳暮 お年賀 御年賀 ギフトそば 乾麺 ソバ 年越し...

Shizuoka oden has a darker soup than regular oden, and is characterized by being eaten with dashi powder and green seaweed.


Amazon | B級グルメ 秘伝のだし 静岡おでん | 株式会社カネヨ商店 | おでん種・練り物セット 通販
B級グルメ 秘伝のだし 静岡おでんがおでん種・練り物セットストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。

This is today’s room. Looks spacious and relaxing 🎵


This is a Japanese specialty washlet that can wash your butt. It was written that the toilet paper contains Shizuoka’s famous tea ingredients🍵It seems to have deodorizing and relaxing effects.


I’m going to go for a little night walk.


The atmosphere is different from the daytime.


I encountered a cat, but it escaped🙀


I’m tired so I’m going back to my room.


Free Mt. Fuji natural water, tea, coffee, and sweets. Japanese hotels have this kind of small hospitality. thank you.


Good night 🌃 Please see the website below for information on the hotels where we stopped on this day ↓


Atami Korakuen Hotel 熱海後楽園ホテル

温泉 | 熱海後楽園ホテル(公式サイト)
温泉のご案内です。熱海後楽園ホテルのお得な宿泊プラン24時間予約受付中。公式ウェブサイトならではの情報が満載! 熱海温泉へのご旅行の際は熱海後楽園ホテルをご利用ください
るるぶ 熱海 箱根 湯河原 小田原 (るるぶ情報版) | JTBパブリッシング 旅行ガイドブック 編集部 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
AmazonでJTBパブリッシング 旅行ガイドブック 編集部のるるぶ 熱海 箱根 湯河原 小田原 (るるぶ情報版)。アマゾンならポイント還元本が多数。JTBパブリッシング 旅行ガイドブック 編集部作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能...

Buy Me a Coffee

japanese culture
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.