I came to Odawara! The front of the station seems to have been renewed and is beautiful. Speaking of sightseeing, many people go to Hakone, so Odawara is a very secret spot!

A footbath on the roof of the station building♨️

It seems that Hakone Yumoto’s natural hot spring is used.

View from rooftop. You can see the sea, mountains and Odawara Castle.

There are various stalls on the 2nd floor like the streets of Edo.

In the back of the square, there was a couple statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya. Kinjiro Ninomiya is installed in the schoolyard of an elementary school, and his standard pose is walking while reading a book while carrying firewood on his back. Recently, the image of walking with firewood and reading a book is reminiscent of a smartphone, but this is a very fresh bronze statue of a couple.

We eat fried horse mackerel while walking. It is firmer and chewier than tempura. There is more quantity than I thought and it is full.

An Edo-style building in front of the station building.

It is a hydrangea blooming on the way to Odawara Castle. If you look closely, you can see a sign inside the hydrangea flower saying, “Let’s take your dog’s feces home.”

On this day, the weather was cloudy and sunny, but it was extremely hot with a mask on. Last year we still had a thorough corona countermeasure. I took a mask and put a parasol in it and kept the social tans and walked.

A lot of flowers were blooming and it was worth seeing.

Cross the bridge and climb the stairs.

I can see the gate.


I saw a castle! Cloudy ☁️😂

The view from the top of the castle. The view is nice.

Photography is prohibited inside, but there are various exhibits such as armor and books, which are interesting.

I also passed by foreign customers, but they are all Japanese experts! You have good taste of choosing Odawara over Hakone or Kamakura!

I found a family crest imitating the scales of the Hojo family, who used Odawara Castle as their residence. As for the Hojo family, I think it’s easy to understand if you watch the Taiga drama “Kamakura-dono no Thirteen”, which was a hot topic last year. Almost every week, one of the main characters dies, so it was called “Shinu Dondon” (a lot of people die), a play on the controversial morning drama “Chimu Dondon” that year.

I wondered what kind of tent it was, and there was a signboard for a shuriken-throwing dojo.

I found a teahouse! It was exhausting because the road to get here was long and there were many stairs. I was saved.

There is a bench space outside, but it’s too hot to die, so I went to the store where the cooler works.

Shrimp tempura zaru udon set! I think the rectangular box contained chopsticks and the gourd-shaped container contained shichimi.

Cold udon is delicious 😋 Put the green onion and wasabi in the bowl on the right into the soup on the bottom, soak the udon and eat it. In Japan, it is good manners to slurp noodles as they are more flavorful and delicious when slurped.
冷たいうどんうまい😋 右の椀にある葱と山葵を下側の汁に入れて、うどんを浸してすすって食べます。日本では麺類はすすったほうが香りが出て美味しいので、すすって食べるのがマナーです♪

Shiitake mushroom, eggplant, perilla and shrimp tempura. Two shrimp tempura will increase your tension! It’s warm and crispy! Delicious 😋
えび天ぷら 26/30サイズ 30本 10本×3セット 送料無料 海老天ぷら 天ぷら 海老 海老天 えび天 お惣菜 業務用 家庭用 惣菜 お買い得 お得パック お得 まとめ買い おうち時間 ステイホーム 時短 主婦応援 バナメイエビ使用 完全油調
価格:3,600円(税込、送料無料) (2023/6/19時点)

It seems that they also raise Japanese macaques.

A walk around the castle.

lots of gates. wide.

It’s a moat.

Most of these green ponds have carps.

This is the NINJA building. There are ninja quizzes and ninja games, and you can become a ninja. I took too many pictures to post, so I’ll cut them off for now. Continue.
Website of Odawara Castle is here ↓