japanese food dinner

japanese food dinner

2021/07/16晩御飯dinner 【赤魚の話 】【The story of red fish】

赤魚?鯛とは違う?!Red fish? Is it different from sea bream? !日本のスーパーにある赤魚はどんなの?What kind of red fish in Japanese supermarkets?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/15晩御飯dinner 【白いトウモロコシご飯と味噌汁のシジミは食べるか問題の話】【The story of white corn rice and Is it a problem to eat the clams of miso soup?】

日本人の間では度々いざこざが起きます。Disputes often arise among Japanese people.味噌汁のシジミは食べるのか食べないのか?Do you eat clams in miso soup or not?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/13晩御飯dinner【白いトウモロコシの話 】【The story of white corn】

白いトウモロコシはどんな品種?What kind of white corn is it? 美味しいのかな?Is it delicious?黄色いのとは違う?Is it different from the yellow one?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/12晩御飯dinner【豚肉と養豚といただきますの話 】【The story of pork and pig farming and Itadakimasu】

日本に養豚場はいつからある?Since when have there been pig farms in japan?日本人は食事前に呪文を唱える?!Do Japanese people recite spells before eating? !
japanese food dinner

2021/07/11晩御飯dinner【スープカレーの話】【The story of soup curry】

スープカレーは日本のカレー料理!?Soup curry is a Japanese curry dish! ?よくあるカレーライスとは違うのかな?Is it different from common curry rice?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/10晩御飯dinner【雑穀米と白米と江戸病の話】【The story of millet rice, white rice and Edo illness】

江戸時代に江戸にいると白米で病気になる!?If you are in Edo during the Edo period, white rice will make you sick! ?どういうこと?What the hell is that?
japanese food dinner

2021/07/08晩御飯dinner【ローカルフードフィッシュカツと駄菓子屋のビッグカツの話】【The story of Local food fish cutlet and big cutlet at a candy store】

ローカルフードフィッシュカツと駄菓子屋のビッグカツって?!Local food fish cutlet and candy store big cutlet? !
japanese food dinner

2021/07/06晩御飯dinner【トウモロコシご飯は夏の味の話 】【The story of corn rice is a summer taste】

夏らしく、トウモロコシご飯に追いトウモロコシですね!Like summer, it's corn added to corn rice!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/05晩御飯dinner 【ちくわの話 】【The story of chikuwa】

ちくわは日本の一般的なおかず?Is chikuwa a common side dish in Japan?一体どんな食べ物なのかな?What kind of food is it?見てみよう!let's look!
japanese food dinner

2021/07/04晩御飯dinner【豆腐メンタルと黒胡麻豆腐と色んな豆腐の話 】【The story of tofu mental, black sesame tofu and various tofu】

豆腐メンタルってどんなメンタル!?What kind of mentality is tofu mentality! ?豆腐には沢山の種類があるって本当?Is it true that there are many types of tofu?