- たこ飯
- 榎茸と豆腐の味噌汁
- おでん
octopus rice
Enoki mushroom and tofu miso soup
The side dish in the middle of the triangle is oden. Oden is a winter tradition, and it is a boiled dish that is often eaten during the cold season. The ingredients for this day are daikon radish, konjac, egg, and satsumaage. The yellow sauce is japanese mustard. Japanese mustard is spicy. It’s a different spiciness than wasabi. Oden is generally made with light ingredients, so it is eaten with mustard, miso sauce, and yuzu pepper. Whether oden can be eaten as a side dish with white rice is often controversial. It can be a bit stressful if your partner and your sense of values for the food here don’t match. Certainly, white rice and oden alone are not enough and may not be compatible. The menu of the day was octopus rice and miso soup, so it was a good combination.


- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- 納豆
- 昼の残りのおでん
- キャベツとトマトのサラダ
- 焼きししゃも
- 茄子の肉巻き
rice (not pictured)
leftover oden from lunch
cabbage and tomato salad
Grilled Shishamo
eggplant meat roll

- とんこつラーメン
Tonkotsu ramen

- 玄米入りご飯
- ひきわり納豆
- 芋煮
- 焼きししゃも
- 生姜焼きの盛り合わせ
- オクラとモロヘイヤのお浸し
rice with brown rice
Hikiwari natto
Grilled Shishamo
Ginger grilled platter
Okra and Moroheiya dip