2021/08/01昼ご飯lunch【中華風オムレツと数の子とTV3台の話】【The story of Chinese style omelet,kazunoko and 3 TVs】

japanese culture
  • ひきわり納豆ご飯
  • 数の子
  • 中華風餡かけオムレツ
  • ミニトマト&トマト
  • きんびらごぼう
  • ピーマンとベーコンのガーリック炒め
  • 麦茶

Hikiwari Natto Rice
Herring roe
Chinese-style bean paste omelet
Mini tomatoes & tomatoes
Stir-fried peppers and bacon with garlic
barley tea


On the main dish in the middle is a Chinese-style omelet. Chinese food called Tianjin rice, which is made by wrapping rice in eggs and putting ankake on it, was already popular, but it seems that someone was inspired by it and devised a recipe for a Chinese-style omelet. This omelet contains ingredients such as garlic chives. The bean paste penetrates the egg and has a nice taste. The yellow object in the lower left is Kazunoko. Kazunoko is a dried herring egg food. Kazunoko is often served in New Year’s New Year dishes, hoping for the prosperity of descendants because herring can be used as a Kanji with two parents and has a lot of eggs.It has a chewy texture and is less salty than caviar.

※herring=ニシンnishin,2=二ni,親=oya or shin



These are TVs. Kumagata is a TV friend, so there are three TVs on one floor. I want to see the Olympics live, so it was fun to find a good time to play trampoline, judo and baseball at the same time. In addition to this, I used my smartphone and tablet to watch contests and awards ceremonies distributed only online.


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japanese culture
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

