- ご飯
- 煮物
- とうもろこし
- もやしとピーマンのきんぴら
- ハンバーグ
- 半熟卵
- じゃがいもと人参のバター焼き
- マグロの刺身&わさび醤油
- 麦茶
Boiled food
Kinpira of bean sprouts and peppers
Soft-boiled eggs
Grilled potatoes and carrots in butter
Tuna sashimi & wasabi soy sauce
barley tea
The side dish under the wasabi soy sauce is simmered. The gray object in the simmered dish is konjac. Konjac is a food made by grinding and coagulating the bulbs of a plant of the Araceae family called konjac potato. It is a potassium food with a rich jelly-like texture and a lot of dietary fiber and calcium nutrients. The konjac looks like a rectangular stone as it is, but this konjac is tied with a cut. When I investigated why it was shaped like this, it seems that this knot konjac is called rein konjac. It is said that it is meaningful to tie a knot and pray for a good match from the shape of a knot, which prepares the mind for the battle as if it were a rein that controls a horse.

There was just the right illustration I drew last year. This is the state of equestrian during the Tokyo Olympics. It was a little disappointing that equestrian was only available online and in English. I want you to broadcast in Japanese on TV at the next Paris Olympics.