- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- アサリの味噌汁(一番上のお椀)
- エビシュウマイのレタス添え(左側真ん中)
- エビシュウマイに付ける用のポン酢とからし(左側手前)
- 肉巻き、トマト、ピーマンの炒め物、キノコのバター焼き(右側真ん中)
- ひきわり納豆(右側手前)
Rice (not shown in the photo), Miso soup of Asari (top bowl) ,Shrimp dumplings with lettuce (middle on the left side), ponzu sauce and mustard for shrimp dumplings (center on the left side),Stir-fried meat rolls, tomatoes, and peppers, butter-grilled mushrooms (middle on the right side), Hikiwari natto (front on the right side)

- ポテトサラダ
potato salad
This is the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. This year,the price of onions is soaring due to bad weather, depreciation of the yen, and corona. However, carrots updated their lows. Potatoes and cucumbers, which had been talked about in McDonald’s shortage of potatoes, also remained at the same price as normal.Mayonnaise will go up in price, but unless you’re a big mayolar (people who like mayonnaise), it’s a seasoning that’s difficult to use up before the expiration date, right? For potato salad with less onions and mayonnaise, your budget may be the same as before. Last but not least, the sunset on this day is beautiful.
