2021/05/29昼ご飯lunch【パンがなければ米を食べればいいじゃないの話】【Let’s eat rice without bread】

japanese food lunch
  • カオマンガイ焼きナス添え(左側の大皿)
  • カオマンガイ用つけだれ(真ん中小皿)
  • なめこの味噌汁(上側真ん中)
  • 筍とさやえんどうとちくわの筑前煮(右上ボウル)
  • コールスローとひじきと枝豆(右下ボウル)
  • 卵焼きと大根の漬け物(下側真ん中)

Grilled eggplant with kaomangai (large plate on the left),Tsukedare for kaomangai (small plate in the middle)Nameko miso soup (upper middle) Boiled bamboo shoots, pods and chikuwa (upper right bowl) Coleslaw,Coleslaw, hijiki and edamame (bottom right bowl) omelet and pickled radish (bottom middle)


Wheat prices are soaring this year due to the influence of world affairs. Even if the price of bread and noodles rises, Japanese people think that rice is the staple food, so it is not good to eat rice, and if anything, rice flour is used to make bread. With the entry of Thai and Vietnamese food into Japan, the repertoire of rice dishes has increased dramatically.It seems that there are many rice dishes in the world that I do not know yet.

Amazon.co.jp: 波里 砂糖不使用 国産米粉パンケーキミックス 200g×3袋 乳酸菌入り グルテンフリー アルミフリー : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: 波里 砂糖不使用 国産米粉パンケーキミックス 200g×3袋 乳酸菌入り グルテンフリー アルミフリー : 食品・飲料・お酒

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japanese food lunch
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

