japanese culture 2021/07/22昼ご飯lunch 【ゴーヤチャンプルーと猫の話】【The story of goya champuru and cat】 ゴーヤチャンプルーってなんだろう?What is goya champuru?苦いのに美味しいって本当かな?Is it true that it's bitter but delicious? & 猫は可愛いね!Cats are cute! 2022.07.22 japanese culture
japanese culture 2021/07/21晩御飯dinner 【ご近所さんの家庭菜園とどうぶつの森の話】【The story of neighborhood garden and Animal Forest】 家庭菜園をしているご近所さんからの野菜は嬉しい!I would be happy if I could get vegetables from my neighbors who have a kitchen garden!&あつ森anicro 2022.07.21 japanese culture
japanese food lunch 2021/07/21昼ご飯lunch【トウモロコシの天ぷらと北海道はうまいの話】【 The story of corn tempura and Hokkaido is yummy】 トウモロコシの天ぷらは美味しかった?Was the corn tempura delicious?北海道は何の生産量が1位?What is Hokkaido the number one producer of?答えは?answer is? 2022.07.21 japanese food lunch
japanese culture 2021/07/20【海の日ってなんだろう?とおよげ!たいやきくんの話】【The story of What is Marine Day? and Oyoge!(Swim!) Taiyaki-kun】 海の日?何をする日?What is Marine Day? what day are you going to do?海開きの日じゃない?泳げたいやきくんとは!?What is Swim!(Oyoge!) Taiyaki-kun? ? 2022.07.20 japanese culture
japanese food lunch 2021/07/20昼ご飯lunch 【ケイジャン風チキンライスの話】【The story of Cajun-style chicken rice】 ケイジャン料理はどんなの?What is Cajun food like?どんな味?how does it taste? 日本にいつからある?How long have you been in Japan?見てみよう!let's look! 2022.07.20 japanese food lunch
japanese food dinner 2021/07/19晩御飯dinner 【ピーマンの肉詰めの話 】【The story of stuffed peppers】 ピーマンの肉詰めは日本の定番料理?!Is stuffed peppers a staple Japanese dish? !日本料理店では見たことない!I've never seen it at a Japanese restaurant! 2022.07.19 japanese food dinner
japanese culture 2021/07/19 【東京オリパラグッズと盛り塩の話】【The story of Tokyo Oripara Goods and prime salt】 東京オリンピックパラリンピックのグッズを買ったみたいだけどIt looks like I bought some Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic goods盛り塩?What is a plate of salt? 2022.07.19 japanese culture
japanese food dinner 2021/07/18晩御飯dinner 【なめろうってなんだろう?の話】【The story of what is namero?】 なめろうって何?茄子をなめる?!What is Namero? Lick the eggplant? !絶対違う気がする!I feel absolutely different!では一体何?So what?答えは…answer is... 2022.07.18 japanese food dinner
japanese food lunch 2021/07/18昼ご飯lunch【ウインナーの切れ目のガーンな話 】【The ghan story of the cut of the wiener】 ウィンナーの切れ目を入れるのは日本だけ?!Is it only Japan that cuts the wiener? ! 切れ目がない方が美味しい?Is it more delicious without a cut?本当?really? 2022.07.18 japanese food lunch
japanese food dinner 2021/07/17晩御飯dinner【裏側の鰻と土用の丑の日の話 】【The story of eel on the back side and Day of the Ox】 珍し鰻の裏側写真!This is a rare picture of the back side of the eel!There is also a front side!夏に土用鰻の謎Mystery of Ox eels in summer 2022.07.17 japanese food dinner