japanese food lunch

japanese food lunch

2021/07/18昼ご飯lunch【ウインナーの切れ目のガーンな話 】【The ghan story of the cut of the wiener】

ウィンナーの切れ目を入れるのは日本だけ?!Is it only Japan that cuts the wiener? ! 切れ目がない方が美味しい?Is it more delicious without a cut?本当?really?
japanese food lunch

2021/07/12昼ご飯lunch【日本の夏野菜の話】【 The story of japanese summer vegetables】

日本の夏野菜はどの野菜? Which vegetables are Japanese summer vegetables?夏野菜のあるアニメ映画とは?What is an animation movie with summer vegetables?
japanese food lunch

2021/07/11昼ご飯lunch【パンの”耳”の話】【The story of the “ears” of bread】

パンに耳があるってどういうこと?What does bread have ears?日本ではパンの耳をパン屋で買える?!Can you buy ears of bread at the bakery in japan?!
japanese food lunch

2021/07/09昼ご飯lunch※外食eating out 【冷麺の話 】【The story of cold noodles】

冷麺てどんなもの?What is Reimen?どこの国が起源かな?What country does it originate from?
japanese food lunch

2021/07/08昼ご飯dinner【そうめんとひやむぎの違いがわからない話】【The story of I don’t understand the difference between somen and Hiyamugi】

そうめんとひやむぎはどう違うの?What is the difference between somen and hiyamugi?日本人でも判別不能?!Even Japanese people can't tell?!
japanese food lunch

2021/06/30昼御飯lunch【暑くて食欲の湧かない時の桃と桃太郎の話】【The peach when it’s hot and you have no appetite and Momotaro】

桃太郎はほとんどの日本人が知っている童話!?Momotaro is a fairy tale most Japanese know! ?どんなお話なのかな?What kind of story are you talking about?
japanese food lunch

2021/06/29昼御飯lunch【初めての日本食でそばをすすめるのは要注意とそば粉文化の国の話】【The story of be careful not to recommend soba with your first Japanese food and country of buckwheat culture】

はじめての日本食にそばをすすめるのはダメ!?Don't recommend soba to your first Japanese meal! ?そば粉文化の国は?Which country has buckwheat flour culture?
japanese food lunch

2021/06/22昼ご飯lunch【パンの焼き色きつね色は日本独特の表現の話】【The story of the fact that bread is baked in the color of a fox is a unique expression of Japan】

パンの焼き色きつね色は日本独特の表現の話 The story of the fact that bread is baked in the color of a fox is a unique expression of Japan.
japanese food lunch

2021/06/21昼ご飯lunch【遅ればせながら冷やし中華始めてましたとAMEMIYAの話】【The story of I started hiyashi chuka late and AMEMIYA】

遅ればせながら冷やし中華始めてましたとAMEMIYAの話 The story of I started hiyashi chuka late and AMEMIYAなんのこっちゃ?!What's this? !
japanese food lunch

2021/06/20昼ご飯lunch【軽めの食事をしたいときはなんだかんだそうめんとお中元の話】【The story of when you want to eat light meals, somen and midyear gifts】

お中元にそうめんが飽きるほど送られてくる!?I'm getting tired of somen noodles sent to my midsummer gift! ?でも、お中元て何?What is midsummer?