2021/06/30昼御飯lunch【暑くて食欲の湧かない時の桃と桃太郎の話】【The peach when it’s hot and you have no appetite and Momotaro】

japanese food lunch
  • 炊き込みご飯
  • 味噌汁
  • サラダ
  • 冷奴

cooked rice
miso soup
cold tofu


A solid diet seems to be effective as a measure against the heat. That said, there are times when it’s too hot to have an appetite, right? In such a case, I think you should eat only fruits. The dessert of the day is peach, but peach(桃=momo) is Momotaro. Momotaro is a fairy tale that has been around for a long time, starting with the familiar phrase “Grandfather went to the mountains to mow the bush, and grandmother goes to the river to wash”. Because a boy was born, they named him Momotaro. As an adult, Momotaro met a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant on his journey to Onigashima to get rid of the demons. Instead of giving Kibi dango, they became friends with Momotaro and went to Onigashima to try to get rid of the demons. There is still more, but it ends here. If you are interested, please check it out.

Amazon.co.jp: 桃 もも 特秀品 福島県産 2.7kg (7~16玉) 光センサー 糖度12度以上 糖度保証 贈答用 光センサーもも あかつき 日川白鳳 まどか 川中島 ギフト お中元 贈答用 朝摘み 福島産 モモ ピーチ フルーツギフト 果物ギフト : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: 桃 もも 特秀品 福島県産 2.7kg (7~16玉) 光センサー 糖度12度以上 糖度保証 贈答用 光センサーもも あかつき 日川白鳳 まどか 川中島 ギフト お中元 贈答用 朝摘み 福島産 モモ ピーチ フル...

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japanese food lunch
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

