japanese food lunch

japanese food lunch

2021/10/23dinner晩御飯*Supplementary post※補足投稿【The story of Hanasaki crab from Hokkaido, known only to those in the know】【知る人ぞ知る北海道産花咲蟹の話】

What does Hokkaido's Hanasaki crab taste like to those in the know? It's true that it's a phantom crab!? ?知る人ぞ知る北海道産花咲蟹とはどんな味??幻のカニだって!?
japanese food lunch

2022/01/01lunch昼ご飯~07dinner晩御飯【The story of New Year’s dishes are osechi, ozoni and mochi】【正月料理はおせちとお雑煮と餅の話】

Introducing Japanese New Year's food! What is the food that kills Japanese people on New Year's Day? !日本の正月料理を紹介するよ!正月に日本人を殺傷しまくっている食材って?!
japanese food lunch

2021/12/22【The story of winter solstice, One-day hot spring and Jjigae hot pot set meal ~Tsunashima Onsen Yukemuri no Sho~】【冬至と日帰り温泉とチゲ鍋定食~綱島温泉 湯けむりの庄~の話】

The story of winter solstice, One-day hot spring and Jjigae hot pot set meal ~Tsunashima Onsen Yukemuri no Sho~冬至と日帰り温泉とチゲ鍋定食~綱島温泉 湯けむりの庄~の話
japanese food lunch

2021/12/16lunch昼ご飯【The story of spa, lunch & yellowducks~SPA EAS~】【スパとランチと黄色いアヒル~スパイアス~の話】

Japanese spas have hot springs, bedrock baths, saunas, relaxation, and restaurants.日本のスパは温泉あり岩盤浴ありサウナありリラクゼーションありレストランありで至れり尽くせり!
japanese food lunch

2021/11/21~29dinner晩御飯【The story of Kakiage udon and cat tongue】【かき揚げうどんと猫舌の話】

Kakiage is a type of tempuraかき揚げは天ぷらの一種How to eat when you put it on udon?うどんの上に乗せた時の食べ方は?What is cat tongue?猫舌って何?
japanese food lunch

2021/11/15~17dinner晩御飯【The story of farm restaurant】【農園レストランの話】

I came to a peaceful farm restaurant.のどかな農園レストランにやってきました。What kind of meal would you like?どんなお食事だろう?
japanese food lunch

2021/11/12dessertデザート~15lunch昼ご飯【The story of Mapo tofu set meal 】【麻婆豆腐定食の話】

Mapo tofu is a Chinese dish, but it is also popular with Japanese people.麻婆豆腐は中華料理ですが日本人にも人気Spicy and sweaty? !旨辛汗だく?!
japanese food lunch

2021/11/10~12dinner晩御飯【The story of gomokumame】【五目豆の話】

Gomokumame means various kinds of ingredients and beans.what does it taste like?五目豆は色々な種類の食材と豆という意味です。どんな味かな?
japanese food lunch

2021/11/04dinner晩御飯~07lunch昼ご飯【The story of Chinese rice bowl】【中華丼の話】

Is Chinese rice bowl Chinese food? Japanese food?中華丼は中華料理?日本料理?what kind of food is it?どんな料理かな?Japanese naming sense!日本人の命名センス!
japanese food lunch

2021/10/25lunch昼ご飯~27dinner晩御飯【The story of Hoto】【ほうとうの話】

Hoto is a representative local dish of Yamanashi Prefecture.ほうとうは山梨県の代表的な郷土料理It's fettuccine from Yamanashi! ?山梨のフィットチーネ!?