
japanese food lunch

2021/06/18昼ご飯lunch※外食Eating out【鉄板天ぷら定食の話】【The story of Teppan tempura set meal】

天ぷらなのに鉄板!?一体どういうこと?Even though it's tempura, it's an iron plate! ? What the hell is that?見てみよう!let's look!
japanese food dinner

2021/06/17晩御飯dinner【魚魚魚~魚を食べると頭頭頭~頭が良く~なる~♪話】【The story of Fish Fish Fish-Eat fish-Be smart- ♪】

魚魚魚~魚を食べると頭頭頭~頭が良く~なる~♪話 The story of Fish Fish Fish-Eat fish-Be smart- ♪なんそれ?!what is that? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/16晩御飯dinner【スペアリブとカマ焼きでお腹いっぱいの話】【The story full of spare ribs and grilled kama】

スペアリブとカマ焼きでお腹いっぱいの話 The story full of spare ribs and grilled kama.ブリのカマとは…Yellowtail's "kama" is…
japanese food dinner

2021/06/15晩御飯dinner【日本人は魚介料理も好きな話 】【Japanese people also like seafood dishes】

日本人は魚介料理も好きJapanese people also like seafood dishesイタリアンと日本食の共通点?!What do Italian and Japanese food have in common? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/14晩御飯dinner【食後にほうじ茶プリンの話】【The story of roasted tea pudding after a meal】

プリンがほうじ茶味ってどういうこと?!What does the pudding taste like hojicha? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/13晩御飯dinner【湯葉ってなんだろう?の話】【The story of What is Yuba?】

湯葉が豆腐の皮!?美味しいの?Yuba is tofu skin! ? Is it delicious?
japanese food lunch

2021/06/13昼ご飯lunch【昼飯はこんなもんの時もある話 】【The story of sometimes lunch is easy】

レーズンパンパイナップル Raisin breadpineapple 毎日朝食以外はしっかり食べる方ですが、時々昼ご飯はこのくらい簡単に済ませる日もあります。食欲があまりない時や面倒な気分の時です。 I often eat other th...
japanese food lunch

2021/06/12昼ご飯lunch【週末の楽しいランチタイムの話】【 The story of weekend fun lunchtime】

燻製メーカーです。この頃はまだ稼働しています。美味しそうですね!It is a smoked manufacturer. It is still in operation around this time. delicious! 燻製卵スモ...
japanese food dinner

2021/06/11晩御飯dinner【とろろは口が痒くなる話】【The story of tororo makes the mouth itchy】

ご飯(写真に写ってません)納豆とろろチキントマト煮サニーレタス山芋の肉巻き山芋と大根と椎茸の蒸焼き麦茶 Rice (not shown in the photo)NattoTororoBoiled chicken tomatosunny l...
japanese food lunch

2021/06/11昼ご飯lunch【そうめんと水まんじゅうでさっぱりお昼と日本人はほとんどの麺類をすすりながら食べる話】【The story of a refreshing lunch with somen and mizu manju and Japanese eat most noodles while sipping】

ほとんどの日本人は麺類をすすって食べる?!Do most Japanese slurp their noodles? !信じられない!can't believe it!行儀悪くないの?Aren't you rude?