2022/01/01lunch昼ご飯~07dinner晩御飯【The story of New Year’s dishes are osechi, ozoni and mochi】【正月料理はおせちとお雑煮と餅の話】

japanese food lunch


New Year dishes (chicken teriyaki, date rolls, herring roe, red and white kamaboko, black beans, clams, turban shells, red and white eggplants, kelp tightening, meat rolls, grilled squid, seared burdock root, shrimp, salmon roe, chestnuts, tazukuri, etc.)


Happy New Year🎌We hope to see you again this year🗻(←This is a standard phrase for Japanese New Year’s greetings.)


A relative has come to the bear’s nest! A visitor who rarely comes. Moreover, she brought me a gorgeous bunk osechi as a souvenir! Delight! It tastes like luxury. Each of the osechi menus has meanings such as prosperity of descendants, prosperous business, happiness and longevity. Doing all these things by hand is very difficult. For example, black soybeans pray for good health and vitality by multiplying the meaning of the word “bean(mame)” to “work diligently(mame), live diligently(mame).” This black soybean alone has to be boiled for three days. And it’s hard to finish this number of items delicious. The kanji on the decoration called Mizuhiki is written as “Kotobuki”. Happy new year!

Amazon.co.jp: おせち おせち料理 肉おせち 予約 人気ランキング 特大8寸箱 三段重 46品目 4~5人前 吉祥グループ 吉祥オリジナルおせち 和洋折衷 料亭 : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: おせち おせち料理 肉おせち 予約 人気ランキング 特大8寸箱 三段重 46品目 4~5人前 吉祥グループ 吉祥オリジナルおせち 和洋折衷 料亭 : 食品・飲料・お酒



Rice, natto, miso soup, kimchi, herring roe, chanchan-yaki salmon, grilled white fish in foil



Seafood hotpot, leftover osechi (chicken teriyaki, datemaki, herring roe, red and white kamaboko), rice (not pictured)





Zoni is a Japanese dish that uses mochi as the main ingredient and is served with a broth seasoned with soy sauce or miso. It is one of the soup dishes in the world. In Japan, it is eaten a lot during the New Year, and there are differences depending on the region and household.  Wikipedia

雑煮は、餅を主な具とし、醤油や味噌などでだしを味付けたつゆをはった日本料理。世界的に見るとスープ料理の一つ。日本では正月に多く食べられ、地域や家庭によって違いがある。 ウィキペディア

Amazon.co.jp: 新潟魚沼ゆのたに 銘水杵つきもち (丸餅 5袋) : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: 新潟魚沼ゆのたに 銘水杵つきもち (丸餅 5袋) : 食品・飲料・お酒

I can’t see it because I’ve put all the ingredients for the New Year’s dish, but there’s a toasted rice cake hidden in the bowl. Mochi is made by kneading cooked rice, but this mochi is your worst enemy! Every year there are choking accidents for men and women of all ages! New Year’s Day is a life-threatening mochi challenge all over Japan! Cut into small pieces and chew well. Here is the rice cake that has killed many people ↓


The reason why such an accident occurs is due to the texture. It stretches like cheese, but you have to chew it like cartilage. Imagine eating a chewing gum the size of a bar of soap. The magic of mochi is that you still want to eat it.


This hanpen is recommended for people with weak swallowing skills, the elderly and children.



Rice (not pictured), minced natto, simmered daikon taro, steamed egg custard, grilled pork with green onions, dipped spinach, omelet



Rice (not pictured), mushroom gratin, hanpen, mizuna greens stir-fried with garlic, steamed chicken with garlic tomato sauce



Rice (not pictured), natto, crab sticks, vinegared cucumber, tsukudani, leftover juice from zoni


It was snowing on this day last year. It was cold ☃️ there was a heavy snow warning in Kanto!



Kimchi hotpot, rice (not pictured)


Amazon.co.jp: 漬け物 漬物 国産 白菜キムチ極2袋と松前キムチ1袋セット 株漬けキムチ 韓国産唐辛子使用 ご飯のお供 ギフト 福島 お土産 : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: 漬け物 漬物 国産 白菜キムチ極2袋と松前キムチ1袋セット 株漬けキムチ 韓国産唐辛子使用 ご飯のお供 ギフト 福島 お土産 : 食品・飲料・お酒

Supplementary note: I forgot to take a photo, so I will post a detailed article on the nanakusa porridge after the New Year event after next year! It is a food that is gentle on the stomach. stay tuned!


Amazon | 春の七草セット 花鉢 | 植木
春の七草セット 花鉢が植木ストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。

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japanese food lunch
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

