- ご飯
- 大根、レタス、キュウリ、玉ねぎのビネガーサラダ
- ハンバーグ
- トマト
- 明太子&生しらす
- わさび醤油
- 麦茶
Vinegar salad of radish, lettuce, cucumber and onion
Mentaiko & raw Shirasu
Wasabi soy sauce
barley tea
The small gray fish with mentaiko on the plate in the center left is raw shirasu. Please enjoy with wasabi soy sauce. Shirasu is generally fried in a pan. However, raw shirasu is a valuable ingredient because it must be eaten on the day of fishing or the next day. It is a frozen product that has been ordered and thawed. The area where you can fish is limited, and it is a specialty of the Shonan area in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, and Kanagawa Prefecture. The raw shirasudon that you can eat at the fishing port is fresh and incredibly delicious!

こちらは女子体操個人銅メダルの表彰式の様子です。まさか採点競技で同点が出ると思わずてんやわんや。急遽3位の所に国旗を縦に連立。This is a bronze medal award ceremony for individual female gymnastics. I don’t think there will be a tie in the scoring competition. Suddenly, the national flags were lined up vertically in 3rd place.