- ご飯
- 味噌汁
- ひきわり納豆
- 絹豆腐
- ゴーヤチャンプルー
- 鰹のタタキ
miso soup
Hikiwari Natto
Silk tofu
Goya Chanpuru
Bonito tataki
What is “Tataki” of bonito? When I was a kid, I thought that Kumatamo meant hitting the same reading in Japanese(叩きtataki=slap,タタキtataki=cooking method). I wondered if I could hit the fish with a bang bang stick. It seems that “Tataki” is a cooking method that is chopped into small pieces with a kitchen knife, simply shredded, made into a paste without keeping the prototype, and cooked with fire. Katsuo no tataki is made by roasting a large fillet with fire, cooling it rapidly with ice water, wiping it off, cutting it into pieces that are easy to eat, and sprinkling it with ponzu sauce.