- ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- ひきわり納豆
- 海苔入り卵焼き
- 鶏肉の蒸し焼き
- もずく
- 冷奴
- キュウリと大葉の浅漬け
- 茄子のお浸し
- 麦茶
Clam miso soup
Hikiwari Natto
Fried egg with seaweed
Steamed chicken
cold tofu
Lightly pickled cucumber and perilla
Soaked eggplant
barley tea
The cucumbers we received from our neighbors are large and thick, so we’re peeling them off. Recently, the number of households that have a vegetable garden has increased. We will have various crops such as cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, moroheiya, cherry tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. We’re sorry if I just got it, so we will return the cooked bread and side dishes, the sweets we got, coins, etc. It’s just like interacting with animals like the real “Animal Crossing”. Around 2020-21, Nintendo’s “Animal Crossing: New Clothes Forest” game became a big boom due to the self-restraint of Corona. Even though it was a healing game, Kumatamo played like work for eight hours a day.It’s crazy!
