- ご飯
- なめこの味噌汁
- キュウリの酢の物
- 豚肉とインゲンの蒸し焼き
- 鰻(うなぎ)
Nameko miso soup
Cucumber vinegared food
Steamed pork and green beans
It is customary to eat eels on the day of the Ox. Day of the Ox is a guideline for the turn of the season. Last summer’s Day of the Ox was July 28th, and this year is July 23rd. You’ve been flying for more than 10 days and eating eels. And the eel in the photo of the day is on the back side. Beautiful pictures on the front side are often found on the internet, so please search for “unagi(=eel)”. Eels have been expensive for a long time, but I never thought last year that the price would rise even more this year due to the world situation and the depreciation of the yen.Oh, there was a photo on the front side ↓

ちなみに、夏は全国でウナギを食べるイメージがありますが、ウナギの季節はもともと初秋から冬です。 熱バテを防ぐためにうなぎを食べるというイメージがありますが、もともとは江戸時代の宣伝戦略が功を奏しています。 江戸時代中期の平賀源内という学者は、ウナギ(鰻=うなぎ)の店から夏は売り上げが伸びないという相談を受けた後、「土用の丑(丑=牛= ushi)」。 土用の丑の日だったので、「う」のつく何かを食べると縁起が良いというキャッチフレーズでした(「u」shi& “u” nagi)。 そこからうなぎ屋さんが繁盛し、周りのうなぎ屋さんもこれを真似て、この習慣は今も続いているようです。 平賀源内も夏のウナギの販売に令和まで貢献し続けるのは意外だったでしょう。
By the way, there is an image of eating eels all over Japan in the summer, but the season for eels is originally from early autumn to winter. There is an image of eating eel to prevent heat fatigue, but originally the advertising strategy of the Edo period was successful. A scholar named Hiraga Gennai in the middle of the Edo period, after receiving a consultation from an eel(鰻=unagi) shop that sales would not increase in the summer, suggested that he post “Today’s Day of the Ox(丑=牛=ushi)”. It was a day of the Ox, so it was a catch phrase that meant that eating something with “U” would be auspicious(“u”shi&”u”nagi). From there, the eel shop flourished, and the eel shops around it imitated this, so it seems that this custom has continued to the present day. It would have been unexpected that Hiraga Gennai would continue to contribute to the sales of eels in the summer until Reiwa.
