- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- シジミの味噌汁
- カボチャとインゲンの煮物
- 黒胡麻豆腐
- サラダ(フィッシュカツ入り)
The fried food under the corn is a local food in Tokushima prefecture called fish cutlet. It is spicy because it is fried fish paste and seasoned with curry powder and spices. It’s so thin that I thought it was a cutlet sold at a candy store called Big Katsu. As for the taste, fish cutlet has a strong spicy taste, and big katsu has a strong sweet and spicy sauce taste. The texture is very similar. Big Katsu is also made from fish such as walleye pollock. I thought it was much thinner meat! It’s a shock!