- ご飯
- 味噌汁
- 豆腐
- マグロの刺身
- わさび醤油
- ピリ辛キュウリ
- 焼き鮭
- 茹でイカ
- じゃがバター
- キノコのマリネ
- ひきわり納豆
- ポテトサラダ
miso soup
Tuna sashimi
Wasabi soy sauce
Spicy cucumber
Grilled salmon
Boiled squid
Jaga(poteto) butter
Marinated mushrooms
Hikiwari Natto
potato salad
I miss salty food on hot days. Japanese food has the image of a healthy menu, but it has a lot of salt. Of course, there are many menus that allow you to get nutrients in a balanced way. However, although the world standard for salt intake is 6g, the average intake is 2g of miso soup and 2g of grilled salmon, which is more than half of the daily standard. In addition, the menu on the day includes salt, wasabi soy sauce, potato butter, and mayonnaise of potato salad in the natto sauce. This part can be omitted during cooking, so you can reduce the number of grams of salt, use low-salt seasonings to prevent excess salt, and cook carefully, but the original Japanese food is a salty meal. It’s not suitable for a pleasant climate, but I think it’s a little over 35 degrees Celsius every day. This is because about 3g of salt is lost when you sweat 1L. Enjoy Japanese food on a sweaty day.