2021/06/11昼ご飯lunch【そうめんと水まんじゅうでさっぱりお昼と日本人はほとんどの麺類をすすりながら食べる話】【The story of a refreshing lunch with somen and mizu manju and Japanese eat most noodles while sipping】

japanese food lunch
  • 具沢山そうめん
  • めんつゆ
  • 水まんじゅう

Assorted somen noodles
Noodle soup


We eat somen on hot days. The way to eat somen is to put the noodles in a bowl and soak them in the soup. You will hear a sound while sipping the noodles. Rather, it is natural to make noise and enrich the taste. By the way, Japanese people make the sound of eating noodles other than pasta while sipping them. People who are not used to it may be uncomfortable, but if you try it yourself, you will get used to it. After eating, there is a refreshing sweetness of the mizu manju. The water in the mizu manju means water. Manju with red bean paste wrapped in kudzu powder. You can wrap it in leaves and eat it without getting your hands dirty.


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japanese food lunch
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

