- ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- ホタテの刺身
- 醤油
- 湯豆腐
- 卵焼き
- キュウリ
- ハンバーグ
- キノコソテー
- トマト
Clam miso soup
Scallop sashimi
Soy sauce
Simmered tofu
Fried egg
Mushroom saute
A hamburger that you can buy at supermarkets with prepared foods and frozen foods. Nowadays, thanks to the efforts of Japanese companies, many delicious products are sold that are comparable to the taste of restaurants. Still, the handmade hamburger steak is fluffy and delicious enough to be difficult to reproduce. By the way, the origin of “hamberg” used by Japanese people is in Hamburg, Germany around the 18th century, and it seems that the name was changed from the English pronunciation of Hamburg to hamberg. I’m surprised that the hamberg wasn’t in English.Generally called hamburger steak in English.