- 五目ちらし寿司
- いんげん豆の肉巻き
- グラタン
- サラダ
- 麦茶
Gomoku chirashi sushi
Green bean meat roll
barley tea
Gomoku Chirashizushi is vinegared rice mixed with ingredients, decorated with seafood and silk pods, topped with brocade eggs and chopped seaweed, and finally served with seasonal ingredients and gari. When you think of sushi, we first think of Hand-rolled sushi. However, the grandparents recognize that Hand-rolled sushi, Gomoku chirashizushi, Edomae chirashizushi, Inari-san, and roll sushi are all sushi. Of course, sushi other than Hand-rolled sushi is also delicious. I would like you to tell us the specific type of sushi in advance to prepare our mind. By the way, Japanese people are still unfamiliar with California rolls.