Some day in November before 2020,2020年以前11月某日【The story of Momiji gari(Autumn leaf hunting)】【紅葉狩りの話】

japanese culture

The other day I posted about the light up and autumn leaves, but I pulled out the photos to post the daytime!


In Japan, viewing autumn leaves is often called “momiji gari(hunting)”. Appreciating the cherry blossoms is called hanami, and harvesting and eating grapes and peaches is called grape picking or peach picking. So why is it that only autumn leaves have a strange meaning?


“During the Heian period, aristocrats considered walking to be vulgar. Therefore, I often went out by oxcart, but it is difficult to go through the mountains with an oxcart. Therefore, when I went to see the autumn leaves in the mountains, I used to walk, but there is a theory that it was called Momiji gari(hunting) because it was likened to hunting rather than the act of walking, which is considered unrefined.”

「平安時代の頃の貴族は、歩くのは品がないと見なしていました。 そのため牛車で出かけることが多かったのですが、牛車で山の中を進むのは困難です。 そこで、山へ紅葉を鑑賞しに行くときは歩いていましたが、品がないとされる歩くという行為ではなく、狩りに見立てて、紅葉狩りと呼んだという説があります。」


↑ I quoted from this article above. Huh! The Heian aristocrats are showing off!


Autumn leaves in Japan are mainly composed of yellow ginkgo and red maple.



It’s a parent and child of a turtle ~ It looks good in a Japanese garden! Cute♪


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How was it? ♪The forest park I introduced today is the daytime view of this article↓


The light up at night is also wonderful, so if you haven’t seen it yet, please go see it ♪




I’m tired of walking, so it’s ramen♪ There are many ramen shops in the ramen square in front of the station, but it’s a fierce battlefield and the turnover is intense! Let’s eat ramen that can only be eaten at that time ♪↓


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japanese culture
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

