japanese culture

japanese culture

2021/06/28【水族館に夢中で晩御飯を食べ忘れた話(水族館の写真その1)】【The story of I was absorbed in the aquarium and forgot to eat dinner(Photo of the aquarium 1)】

この日は水族館のお一人様限定イベントで1人水族館を満喫しに行きました。On this day, I went to enjoy the aquarium for one person at an event limited to one p...
japanese culture

2021/06/20【おやつにパイナップルとPPAPと食中植物のつぼみの話】【Pineapple and PPAP and carnivorous plant buds for snacks】

おやつにパイナップルとPPAPと食中植物のつぼみの話 Pineapple and PPAP and carnivorous plant buds for snacks.唐突に思い出すPPAPPPAP suddenly comes to mind
japanese culture

2021/06/10昼ご飯lunch【父の日のプレゼントに燻製器を購入するも段々使わなくなる話】【The story of we bought a smoke maker as a gift for Father’s Day, but it seems that I’m not using it anymore】

父の日のプレゼントに燻製器を購入するも使わなくなる?!we bought a smoke maker as a gift for Father's Day, but it seems that I'm not using it anymore?!
japanese culture

2021/05/31晩御飯dinner【スーパー銭湯の後の晩御飯は格別旨いのと曇天の話】【The story of dinner after the super public bath is a particularly delicious and cloudy weather】

スーパー銭湯の後の晩御飯は格別旨いのと曇天の話The story of dinner after the super public bath is a particularly delicious and cloudy weather.
japanese culture

2021/05/31デザートdessert【併設カフェレストランの料理は美味いのと魔除けの藤の花の話】【The food at the cafe and restaurant is delicious and Amulet wisteria flowers】

併設カフェレストランの料理は美味いのと魔除けの藤の花の話The food at the cafe and restaurant is delicious and Amulet wisteria flowers.
japanese culture

2021/05/31昼ご飯lunch【出かけた先でこもる話】【The story that stays in the place where I go】

鉄板焼ステーキ Grilled steak on an iron plate 湯けむりの庄Yukemurino-shou 頑張って遠出をしてスーパー銭湯へ。I did my best to go out and went to the su...