japanese culture

japanese culture

2021/08/03晩御飯dinner 【筑前煮女と野球中継の話】【The story of chikuzen-ni woman and baseball broadcast】

筑前煮女って何?妖怪の名前かな?What is Chikuzen-ni woman? Is it the name of the youkai?野球の話もあるよ!There is also talk of a baseball!
japanese culture

2021/08/02昼ご飯lunch【さつま揚げとBMXの密橋の話】【The story of satsuma-age and dense bridge】

さつま揚げってなんだろう?What is satsuma-age?BMXの密橋は愉快なファンを発見!Found a happy fan on the dense bridge of BMX!どんな人?what kind of people?
japanese culture

2021/08/01昼ご飯lunch【中華風オムレツと数の子とTV3台の話】【The story of Chinese style omelet,kazunoko and 3 TVs】

中華風オムレツって何?数の子とは?TV3台ってどういうこと?What is a Chinese Omelet? What is Kazunoko? What do you mean by 3 TVs?3つの話!three stories!
japanese culture

2021/08/01晩御飯dinner【紅白かまぼことメダルラッシュの話】【The story of red and white kamaboko and medal rush】

紅白かまぼことは?What is red&white kamaboko?いつ食べる?What time do you eat?メダルラッシュでコロナに負けるな!Don't lose to Corona in the medal rush!
japanese culture

2021/07/31晩御飯dinner【粕漬けの魚とアウェーな話】【The story of Pickled in lees and the away】

粕漬けの魚って何?どんな味?What is pickled fish? how does it taste?柔道でアウェーってどういうこと?!What does away mean in judo? !そんな話such a story
japanese culture

2021/07/30晩御飯dinner【箸を使った魚の食べ方とライトセーバーの話】【The story of how to eat fish with chopsticks and a lightsaber】

箸を使って魚を食べてみよう!Let's eat fish well with chopsticks!フェンシングがライトセーバー?Is fencing a lightsaber?一体どういうこと?What the hell is that?
japanese culture

2021/07/29晩御飯dinner【鮭とサーモンは別物と五輪中描いた変な絵の話】【The story of sake and salmon are different and a strange picture drawn during the Olympics】

日本に売ってる鮭とサーモンはどう違う?What is the difference between salmon sold in Japan and salmon?変な絵も有!There is also a strange picture!
japanese culture

2021/07/28晩御飯dinner【結びこんにゃくで戦いに備え良縁を結ぼうの話】【The story of Let’s prepare for the battle and make a good match with tie konjac】

結びこんにゃくって何?良縁を結ぶ?戦いに備える?What is tied konnyaku? Do you want to make a good match? Ready for battle?どういうこと?What the hell?
japanese culture

2021/07/25昼ご飯lunch【東京五輪生中継で自粛生活の話】【The story of self-restraint life with live broadcast of the Tokyo Olympics】

東京五輪生中継で自粛生活の話The story of self-restraint life with live broadcast of the Tokyo Olympics可愛いマスコットとお花!cute mascot & flower
japanese culture

2021/07/23【昨年の今日は東京五輪開会式の日と長野五輪の話】【The story of Last year today is the day of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics and Nagano Olympics】

東京五輪開会式の日day of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics長野五輪開会式の感動?!Impressed at the Nagano Olympics Opening Ceremony?!