japanese culture

japanese culture

2021/09/05【世界初の水素燃料聖火台とパラリンピック閉会式の話】【The story of The world’s first hydrogen-fueled cauldron and the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games】

東京パラリンピックは興奮と感動の嵐!The Tokyo Paralympics is a storm of excitement and excitement!SDGsへのヒントがここに!Hints for SDGs are here!
japanese culture

2021/09/01【ボッチャでスギムライジングの話】【The story of Sugimurising with Boccia】

カーリングにハマる人はボッチャにもハマる!?People who are addicted to curling are also addicted to boccia! ?そんなボッチャとは?What is such boccia?
japanese culture

2021/08/27【パラビクトリーブーケと車椅子バスケの話】【The story of Paralympic Victory Bouquet and Wheelchair Basketball】

パラビクトリーブーケって?What is the Paralympic Victory Bouquet?車椅子バスケで一富士二鷹三茄子!?Wheelchair basketball, 1 Fuji, 2 Taka, 3 eggplants! ?
japanese culture

2021/08/24【昨年の今日は東京パラリンピック開会式の日とスリーアギトスの話】【The story of Last year today was the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games and three agitos】

感動的な東京パラリンピックの開会式!The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games is impressive!五輪式の口直し!For revising the Olympic ceremony!
japanese culture

2021/08/21【残暑見舞い+日本人の夏休み】【Late-summer greeting+Japanese summer vacation】

日本の夏の挨拶はどんなもの?What are Japanese summer greetings?日本人の夏休みはどんな感じ?What is Japanese summer vacation like?
japanese culture

2021/08/08晩御飯dinner【しゃぶ豚とパリのトリコロールカラーの話】【The story of shabu-pork and Paris tricolor color】

しゃぶ豚って何?What is Shabu Pork?パリ五輪セレモニーの様子はどう?What does the Paris Olympics ceremony look like?そんな料理と話たち such foods&stories
japanese culture

2021/08/07晩御飯dinner 【魚肉ソーセージと国立競技場の客席の話】【The story of fish sausage and the audience seat of the National Stadium】

薄いピンク色の物体は魚肉ソーセージ(おさかなソーセージ)です。The pale pink object is the fish sausage(Osakana sausage).魚肉ソーセージとは?What is fish sausage?
japanese culture

2021/08/07昼ご飯lunch 【釜揚げしらすとセーラームーンの話】【The story of boiled shirasu and Sailor Moon】

しらすってなんだろう?What is shirasu?セーラームーンって何?What is Sailor Moon?の二本立てでお送りします。I will send you a double feature of
japanese culture

2021/08/05昼ご飯lunch 【キーマカレーとリモート応援の話】【The story of keema curry and remote support】

キーマカレーはいつものカレーと違うのかな?Is keema curry different from the usual curry?リモート応援て?What is remote support?そんな話such a story
japanese culture

2021/08/04晩御飯dinner 【明太子とゴン攻めの話】【The story of mentaiko and Gon Attack】

明太子ってなんだろう?What is mentaiko?ゴン攻めってどういうこと?What is Gon Attack?スケートボードの話もあるよ!There is also the story of the skateboard!