
japanese food dinner

2021/06/01晩御飯dinner【旬の筍とホッケとかぐや姫と犬に吠えられた話】【The story of seasonal bamboo shoots, Atka mackerel, Kaguyahime, and a dog barking at me】

旬の筍とホッケとかぐや姫と犬に吠えられた話The story of seasonal bamboo shoots, Atka mackerel, Kaguyahime, and a dog barking at me.
japanese culture

2021/05/31晩御飯dinner【スーパー銭湯の後の晩御飯は格別旨いのと曇天の話】【The story of dinner after the super public bath is a particularly delicious and cloudy weather】

スーパー銭湯の後の晩御飯は格別旨いのと曇天の話The story of dinner after the super public bath is a particularly delicious and cloudy weather.
japanese culture

2021/05/31デザートdessert【併設カフェレストランの料理は美味いのと魔除けの藤の花の話】【The food at the cafe and restaurant is delicious and Amulet wisteria flowers】

併設カフェレストランの料理は美味いのと魔除けの藤の花の話The food at the cafe and restaurant is delicious and Amulet wisteria flowers.
japanese culture

2021/05/31昼ご飯lunch【出かけた先でこもる話】【The story that stays in the place where I go】

鉄板焼ステーキ Grilled steak on an iron plate 湯けむりの庄Yukemurino-shou 頑張って遠出をしてスーパー銭湯へ。I did my best to go out and went to the su...
japanese food dinner

2021/05/30晩御飯dinner【おめでたい時は鯛の話】【The story of eating sea bream on a celebration day】

金目鯛の丸焼き Roasted sea bream かに飯エビシュウマイと蒸し野菜エビシュウマイに付けるためのポン酢と辛子ポテトサラダとタコさんウインナーサラダシジミの味噌汁 1.Crab rice 2.shrimp dumplings a...
japanese food dinner

2021/05/29晩御飯dinner【国産シシャモと外国産シシャモの話】【The story of domestic shishamo and foreign shishamo】

国産シシャモと外国産シシャモの話The story of domestic shishamo and foreign shishamo.え!なんかちがうの!?Oh! Something's wrong! ?
japanese food lunch

2021/05/29昼ご飯lunch【パンがなければ米を食べればいいじゃないの話】【Let’s eat rice without bread】

パンがなければ米を食べればいいじゃないの話Let's eat rice without bread
japanese food dinner

2021/05/28晩御飯dinner【円安とポテトサラダと夕焼けの話】【The story of the depreciation of the yen, potato salad and the sunset】

円安とポテトサラダと夕焼けの話The story of the depreciation of the yen, potato salad and the sunset.
japanese food dinner

2021/05/27晩御飯dinner【信太巻きの話】【The story of Shinoda-roll】

信太巻きとは…What is Shinoda-roll?
japanese food lunch

2021/05/27昼ご飯lunch【菓子パンとカレーライスの話】【The story of sweet buns and curry rice】

菓子パンとカレーライスの話The story of sweet buns and curry rice