- ご飯
- アサリの味噌汁
- サーモンの刺身
- 里芋といんげん豆の煮物
- 海藻サラダ
- 生しらすとイカの刺身
- 茹で海老
- 椎茸と玉ねぎのニンニク炒め
Miso soup with clams
salmon sashimi
Stewed Taro and Green Beans
seaweed salad
Raw whitebait and squid sashimi
boiled shrimp
Stir-fried Shiitake Mushrooms and Onions with Garlic
Today’s side dish is full of seafood! The shrimp are arranged in a heart shape and are cute! Many Japanese like shrimp. Until a few years ago, Japan was the world’s largest consumer of shrimp! It seems that one person eats 1.5 to 2 kg. In Japan, there is a proverb that says, “Catch sea bream with shrimp.” Feeding shrimp means getting more profit with less effort and product. Kumatamo loves both shrimp and sea bream.By the way, shrimp has been popular with Japanese people since ancient times as a symbol of longevity due to its characteristic waist and whiskers.