05/05Children’s Day and Boys’ Festivalこどもの日と端午の節句

Children’s Day is one of the national holidays in Japan, and is established on May 5th, which is Boys’ Day. The law on national holidays stipulates that “the individuality of children should be respected, their well-being should be respected, and mothers should be thanked.” Also, Children’s Day and Boys’ Festival, which celebrates the growth of boys, are on the same day, but they are different things. Wikipedia
こどもの日とは、日本における国民の祝日の一つで、端午の節句である5月5日に制定されている。国民の祝日に関する法律では「こどもの人格を重んじ、こどもの幸福をはかるとともに、母に感謝する」ことを趣旨としている。またこどもの日と男の子の成長を祝う端午の節句は同日だが別物である。 ウィキペディア
May 5th is Boys’ Day. May dolls like the one in the photo are displayed in families with boys to pray for their healthy growth. This year, Shohei Ohtani, who is active in the two-sword style in the major leagues, had a helmet celebration, and he looked like a May doll and looked great! (In Japan, Otani’s play style, which is both a pitcher and a batter, is described as a two-sword style.)
The puppet in the photo above is also Yabusame-style, holding a bow and arrow and carrying a sword at the waist, so it looks like a two-sword style. If you look closely, the doll in the photo below has two swords, but I don’t know if the samurai can wield two swords because it’s basic for samurai to have spare swords called Uchikatana and Wakizashi.

Koinobori is a Japanese custom that began in samurai families during the Edo period. Carp patterns are drawn on paper, cloth, non-woven fabric, etc., and they sway in the wind. It is also called Konobori or carp streamer. Wikipedia
こいのぼりは、日本の風習で、江戸時代に武家で始まった端午の節句に男児の健やかな成長を願って家庭の庭先に飾る鯉の形に模して作ったのぼり。紙・布・不織布などに鯉の絵柄を描いたもので、風を受けてたなびくようになっている。皐幟、鯉の吹き流しとも言う。 ウィキペディア

Carp Streamer Dorayaki
Koinobori is a Japanese custom that began in samurai families during the Edo period. Carp patterns are drawn on paper, cloth, non-woven fabric, etc., and they sway in the wind. It is also called Konobori or carp streamer. Wikipedia

This is kashiwamochi. It is a mochi sweet that is always eaten during Boys’ Day. The inside of the mochi wrapped in oak leaves is red bean paste.
Kashiwa trees have the characteristic of keeping their leaves on even in winter and dropping the leaves when new shoots appear. It is said to be an auspicious tree because it does not drop its leaves until a successor is born. We hope that boys will grow up healthy by eating kashiwa mochi, which is a mochi that is essential for Shinto rituals and wrapped in a lucky kashiwa leaf. Quote this article
柏は、冬になっても葉を付けたまま過ごし、新芽が吹く頃に落葉する特徴があります。 後継ぎができるまで葉を落とさないため、縁起担ぎのめでたい木と言われています。 神事に欠かせない餅を縁起の良い柏の葉で包んだ柏餅を端午の節句に食べることにより、男の子が元気に育つことを願っています。こちらの記事を引用↓

In some areas, chimaki is also eaten as iris bath to ward off evil. Let’s enjoy the boys’ event on May 5th♪By the way, the girl’s event is on March 3rd. Please read this past article as well ↓♪

Rice, miso soup, potato salad, dipped spinach, stuffed peppers, shirasu and cucumber slats