09/21お月見団子moon-viewing dumpling(Otsukimi dango)

- お月見団子
moon-viewing dumplings(Otsukimi dango)
We have a moon viewing on August 15th of the lunar calendar. This event is called Mid-Autumn Moon, Juugoya, Otsukimi, etc., and is popular as an autumn event. It is an event to admire the clearest sky of the year and to look at the full moon or the full moon. Due to the lunar calendar, the date of moon viewing changes every year. Last year it was September 21st and this year it was September 10th. While gazing at the moon, people enjoy decorating pampas grass and offering dumplings. Dango is a traditional Japanese sweet that is made by kneading rice flour into a ball, then steaming or boiling it. The dumplings eaten on this day have a special taste. During this period, McDonald’s and other hamburger chains in Japan are popular for their limited-time Tsukimi Burger, which is sandwiched between a soft-boiled egg and a fried egg.

↑こちらの写真は昨年の十五夜の月です。↑This picture is last year’s moon viewing full moon.
The donate button of the kumatamo is also designed to be fed with dango →

- 明太子ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- ひきわり納豆
- 肉じゃが
- かつおのたたき
- 炒り卵豆腐
- ハヤトウリの浅漬け
Mentaiko rice
clam miso soup
Hikiwari natto
Meat and potatoes
Seared bonito
fried egg tofu
Lightly pickled chayote

- 追分ようかん
Oiwake Yokan

- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- ポトフ
- 納豆
- ワカメの酢の物
- 豚しゃぶ
- 麦茶
rice (not pictured)
vinegared wakame seaweed
pork shabu-shabu
barley tea