It is an illustration of the Tokyo Paralympics boccia venue video. The front is Someity, and the back is boccia ace Sugimura.
ボッチャ(伊: Boccia)は、ボッチー(英語版)(Bocce, イタリア語・ボッチェ)から派生した障害者、とりわけ脳性麻痺などにより運動能力に障害がある競技者向けに考案された障害者スポーツの一つである。(Wikipediaから引用)詳しいルールもWikipediaに載っているので調べてみてくださいね!
Boccia (Italian: Boccia), from bocce (Italian), is a handicap sport designed for athletes with disabilities, especially those with impaired motor skills due to cerebral palsy. is 1. (Quoted from Wikipedia) Detailed rules are also on Wikipedia, so please check it out.

Here is a memo of Boccia’s strategy. The commentator explained by handwriting on the screen in real time on the TV broadcast. It says to intentionally scatter the clumped balls and put your own ball in an advantageous position. That’s right, it’s like curling!

This is a mini-manga of boccia player Sugimura. Sugimura’s technique is called Sugimurising, where he puts his ball on a crowded ball.It was a lot of fun! If the Paralympic Games had not been held in Tokyo, I’m sure it would never have been broadcast and I wouldn’t have even known about the existence of boccia.