- 栗ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- カボチャサラダ
- オクラとおかか
- 細切りサーロインステーキ
- バタじゃが
- 焼き茄子、ゴボウ、トマト、焼きししゃも盛り合わせ
chestnut rice
Clam miso soup
pumpkin salad
okra and dried bonito
shredded sirloin steak
butter potato
Grilled eggplant, burdock root, tomato, grilled shishamo platter
The staple food of the day is rice with chestnuts. Japanese people love rice, so they arrange rice by adding various ingredients like pasta. Peeled chestnuts are cooked with seasonings such as salt and rice to make takikomi gohan. It’s a menu that makes you feel like autumn!
↑こちらは農林水産省の栗ご飯に関するHPです。お時間ございましたら翻訳してご覧ください。This is the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries about chestnut rice. If you have time, please translate it and take a look.

- ご飯
- ポトフ
- ひきわり納豆
- オクラとおかか
- ゴボウと鶏肉の煮物
- サーモンサラダ
- 冷奴
- 麦茶
Hikiwari natto
okra and dried bonito
Boiled burdock and chicken
salmon salad
cold tofu
barley tea