- から揚げ
- フライドポテト
- サラダ
French fries
In Japan, buttered potatoes are called “jaga(poteto)bata(butter)”, but fried potatoes are not called “jaga(poteto)age(fry)”. We usually call them “fried poteto”. It’s called Japanese English. In English, there are many expressions called french fries. The established theory is that Americans spread it in the sense that it was made in the French-speaking world.
ところで、日本には厚切りジェイソンというアメリカ出身のコメディアンがいるのですが、彼のネタが日本人の奇妙な所を指摘して”Why japanese people!?”と叫ぶというものがあります。しかし、これに関しては言わせてください。揚げた鶏肉はフライドチキンなのに、揚げたじゃがいもはフレンチフライ!?”Why American people!?”ちなみに日本の揚げた鶏肉をから揚げというのは、奈良時代に中国の唐から伝わったため、唐の文字が使われました。
By the way, in Japan, there is an American comedian named Atsugiri Jason, and one of his jokes is that he shouts, “Why japanese people!?” But let me tell you about this. Fried chicken is fried chicken, but fried potatoes are French fries! ? “Why American people!?”By the way, the Japanese fried chicken called karaage was introduced from Tang China during the Nara period, so the Tang character was used.
↑YouTubeから引用した厚切りジェイソンquoted from youtube,Atsugiri Jason

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- シジミの味噌汁
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- 冷奴
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natto rice
clam miso soup
Assortment of Salad, Tamagoyaki and Sausage
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cold tofu
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