Paralympic Victory Bouquet. The mascot in the middle is Someity. The Olympic mascot is Miraitowa. very cute! I also pray for the recovery of bouquets using gentian and lisianthus from Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures that were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

パラリンピックの注目競技はなんといっても車椅子バスケでしたね!車椅子が激しくぶつかり合い、物凄い迫力でした!上のイラストは車椅子バスケ日本エースの鳥海選手がとてもカッコ良かったので、少女漫画風に描きました。生まれつき両手足が不自由で、両下肢を3歳の時に切断、右手の指が4本、左手の指は2本しかないそうです。鳥海選手のプレイが素晴らしかったので、日本で有名なバスケ漫画「SLAM DUNK」に登場する、スーパールーキー流川楓のようだ!と話題になっていました。パラリンピックは毎回ほとんど放送されないので、どんなものか全く知らなかったのですが、今回東京大会のためにオリンピックと同じ熱量で放送され面白い競技が沢山見れました。
Wheelchair basketball was the most popular sport at the Paralympics. Wheelchairs collided violently against each other, and it was a tremendous force! Wheelchair basketball ace Toriumi in the illustration above was very cool, so I drew him in a shoujo manga style. Born with lameness, he had both lower limbs amputated when he was 3 years old, and he only has 4 fingers on his right hand and 2 fingers on his left hand. Chokai’s play was amazing, so he looks just like Kaede Rukawa, a super rookie from the basketball manga “SLAM DUNK”! It was a topic. The Paralympic Games are not often broadcast every time, so I didn’t know much about them, but at this year’s Tokyo Games, I was able to see a lot of interesting competitions that were broadcast with the same enthusiasm as the Olympics.

This is the uniform design of the wheelchair basketball team. 1 Fuji Nitaka 3 Eggplant is drawn. It is said to bring good luck if it appears in a dream on New Year’s Day. Fuji represents descendants and prosperity of business because it spreads out, the hawk shows good luck because it rises up, and the eggplant means “no injury” because it has no hair. The eggplant is in the tag part and it is modest!