“To everyone. I hope you are keeping well, in spite of the lingering summer heat.I’m tired of the heat of the day. How are you all doing?”
In Japan, there is a custom of sending greeting postcards like this at the end of summer. There is also a mid-summer greeting “Summer greeting card”.

It is difficult to take long vacations in Japan. Summer vacation is around 8/15, around 8/15, 3-6 days. If you take more than a week off, it will be difficult to work, so if you really want to take a break, you need to tell the company the unavoidable reason (nursing care, childcare, farm work). Such). Students also have about a month and a week of summer vacation until they reach high school, but they have a lot of homework to do. Daily picture diaries, calculation drills, independent research (including handicrafts), reading impressions, etc. Many Japanese people put off their homework, so August 31st is the end of summer vacation, which is a nightmare memory. The only time you have free time off is when you are in college, and you should be able to take a break for about two months. I was really envious when I heard that in Europe and the United States, you can take a three-month vacation without doing any homework. However, Kumatamo have been absent for more than a year because they are hikikomori.
