- ご飯
- 豆腐と舞茸の味噌汁
- 焼き鮭&大根おろし
- トマト
- ほうれん草のお浸し
- さつま揚げ
Tofu and Maitake miso soup
Grilled salmon and grated radish
Soaked spinach
The brown round one on the upper left is Satsuma-age. A paste product made by molding minced fish and fried in oil. Similar to kamaboko, but kamaboko is steamed. Satsuma-age is covered with fried food, so it has a firm texture.

It is a strange picture series during the Olympics. This is the BMX venue. The bridge near the venue is crowded with people trying to see the Olympic Games at a glance! The long-awaited unattended audience is ruined. I named it Mitsuhashi(dense bridge).

観客席にいたコーチっぽい人。タンクトップにはカタカナでイギリスと書いてあります。A coach-like person in the audience. The tank top is written in katakana as England.

橋にいた富士山の被り物をした男性。同一人物か定かではないが、この後控えているマラソン(オリンピック&パラリンピック)の沿道でも見かけることになると書いてあります。A man wearing a Mt. Fuji hat on the bridge. I don’t know if he is the same person, but he will be seen at the next marathon (Olympic and Paralympic).