- 胚芽米りご飯
- 焼いた太刀魚&大根おろし
- キュウリ&トマト
- サーロインステーキ
- ガーリック醤油
- 麦茶
- 茄子のお浸し
- カボチャサラダ
- コールスロー
Rice milling using embryos
Grilled hairtail and grated radish
Cucumbers and tomatoes
sirloin steak
Garlic soy sauce
barley tea
Soaked eggplant
Pumpkin salad

The grilled fish of the day is cutlass fish. When I review my daily diet again, I am eating a wide variety of fish. It’s an island country, isn’t it? Sorry for the half-eaten photo. Let’s think about how to eat grilled fish with chopsticks. Kumatamo eats while scraping the upper body, peeling the bones from the tail fin and eating the lower body. Everyone should try it too!

The Japanese national fencing team won the first gold medal in the men’s group Epe! congratulations! Although it was a historic achievement, the TV broadcast ended before the award ceremony and a big boo happened. I saw Kumatamo online! It was an interesting production that the BGM of Darth Vader was played before the game and it was reminiscent of a lightsaber!